LDRNOMO- Yeah, I agree with Mrs. Jones & others, time to find a new window cleaner . I think he probably feels fearful that you'll indoctrinate him in anti-witness thoughts if he cleans for you again. Probably an elder or someone with knowledge of your situation has told him that you and your wife are " dangerous " to be around. WT society reps are ALWAYS instilling fear into these people. It's one of the main tools they use as Witnesses " thought police ".
Hang in there with it- I stopped attending almost 8 years ago and people have said everything in the book about me that they've claimed to have heard people say , that I'm a " leaning apostate " , that " I'm disfellowshipped " , I'm " bad association " or " drifted away ".
Fortunately you've been able to move on with you & your wife's life so you have authentic friends now who accept you for who you are unconditionally ! Be thankful for that. Take care bud