FINALLY, a post I can "sink my teeth" into, dear Tale (peace to you!) - LOLOLOL!
I will leave the roux question, since dear dm6 (peace to you!) is a chef (but I do agree with him!). Regarding greens, though, here's MY thing:
I HATED greens as a child. My father (a fantastic cook!) was from the south and so cooked EVERYTHING "southern". And it was GOOD. Except, IMHO, greens. Collard, turnips, mustard, poke, beet, chard... didn't care. Didn't like ANY of it. But... my ex and kids LOVED greens... and so I had to learn how to cook 'em. Because collards are the ONLY greens I like cooked the "southern" way (I like others, but prepared various asian ways)... I learned to cook pretty well, but I think this'll work for the others, too:
1. Unless you are a vegan (in which case, I can't really help you, sorry - LOL!) put either 2 meduim ham hocks (YUM!, but I don't use those)... or 2 smoke turkey legs (which I use and, again, YUM!)... or turkey wings, tails, necks, whatever (but the legs have the most/best meat)... in a large stock pot (or crock pot)... and cover with COLD water.
2. Add one medium chopped onion (yellow or white, and you don't have to saute first)... and half a teaspoon of salt/pinch of black pepper (the salt is optional because the ham/turkey already have salt - I like salt, and I don't have to add anymore later).
3. If you like spicy, add one whole jalapeno.
4. Bring meat to a boil, then turn down heat and simmer for about 45 mins to an hour.
5. Unless you buy them already washed, you should cut up and soak the greens in SALT water (about half a cup of salt - don't worry, you're gonna rinse it all off, but it kinda "brines" the water a bit) for about 15 mins. I use coarse salt. I don't know what difference this makes, but my father used it, sooo... I also do it in my sink, which I have disinfected by scouring, then washing with hot water and bleach and rinsing completely prior to. If you have a clean dishpan, though, that'll work, too.
6. Once they've soaked, rinse them well... then add in batches to the pot: put about 3-4 handfuls in at a time and let them "cook down" before adding the next 3-4.
7. Once they're all in, let the whole thing simmer until the greens reach the texture YOU like (I do NOT like soft, smushy greens! I need them to have SOME "chew" left. So mine are a bit past "al dente"... but not mushy. They are not quite bright green... but not the darkest, either. I like them the texture of, say, seaweed in miso soup).
When they're done, serve 'em up with some fresh-baked cornbread! You don't really need much else, because you have the turkey (or ham). I like a little Louisiana hot sauce on mine.
Peace, dear Tale... and bon appetite!
SA, on her own...
P.S. My husband, who had never had collard greens before me... and so said he "didn't like" them... LOVES my greens! I make enough for 2-3 days and he eats them all up! Same with my smothered cabbage (which is NOT like boiled cabbage at all!). Even his brothers (who are really snooty when it comes to food love it! I am making my "famous" fried chicken dinner for my inlaws this Saturday! I LOVE to cook!).