You hear the witlesses harping on how great tribulation is coming. There are signs even in the world that major bedlam is soon to break out.
So then, how many witlesses did you know that have plans to make such tribulation a bit more endurable? You know, things like gold and silver in case their currency becomes worthless. Do they know how to take care of even basic projects so they don't need to rely on others when it becomes too costly? And, their emergency kits at home are pathetic.
I hear "Trust in Jehovah" too often. Usually, though, they do not have basic supplies on hand. Flashlights? I am expecting major issues with blackouts, and more so if there is a Great Tribulation (in my case, I am expecting a EPA-sponsored fake energy crisis to result in more rolling blackouts once coal plants are shut down). Most witlesses will have one flashlight, sometimes 2 (or more, if you count the ones that don't work). They may or may not have working batteries in them--if they have cleaning businesses, they might have working flashlights used for such businesses. But, do they have enough spare batteries? What about quality lanterns and rechargeable batteries? I doubt that, in a congregation of 100 witlesses, you are going to find even one householder with ample lanterns that can use rechargeable batteries and enough batteries to last them 10 years of rolling blackouts.
Another "Trust in Jehovah" issue I see too much of is investments. True, I would hesitate to invest in dollar denominated assets. But, there are other choices. Commodities come to mind, particularly precious metals. The Swiss franc is the safest paper currency to invest in. Yet, most witlesses do not have the funds--one idiot I know got $200 I returned to him (it was stashed in something he sold to me, and I returned it) only to throw it all into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund box. I also see people with little means stuffing that box with $20 bills, at that at a time when they were worth something. Another pio-sneer couple would accumulate a little money, then take a trip to Kentucky to work where the need is greater. Still another cut way back on their means of living so they could pio-sneer. None of these are going to be able to actually invest anything.
Skills? What skills? Most witlesses barely know how to change a standard light bulb. I wonder how many of them can change their own oil in their car and not dump the oil into the water system. True, some can wash their own windows and do their own cleaning. But, that is going to do no good if they need to actually repair something. Supposing they have a leaky faucet that needs a new washer, or its existing washer regreased. Could the average witless actually do it? Or actually fix anything? I got a TV that one refurbished, and it was fairly new. He probably cleaned it up a bit (it was put out for the trash). But, that did nothing about the fault. I had problems with a noisy volume control (and those are simple to fix) and channel buttons that returned random values when you push them. I use "03" most--because cable and VCRs use channel 3 input. I type in "03", and every number except "0" comes up for 0. When I finally get the "0" to work, more often than not the "3" returns every digit except 3. That does not show expertise in fixing things--just being able to clean them up a bit.
Never mind other items. If things get as bad as they claim, they are going to have to do a lot of work themselves. Suit dry cleanings will be self-done, or they will have to wash them themselves. They will have to make their own clothing and repair it. They will have to do their own haircuts--witlesses are notorious for wasting money getting their hair cut to close tolerances, and yet they refuse to invest in equipment to do it themselves. They are going to have to be their own doctors for minor problems, and probably they will have to learn the basics of dentistry so they won't be going every time they need their teeth cleaned. How many witlesses are actually able to cope with all this?
I am afraid that, if their Great Tribulation ever did show up, the witlesses would be up sxxx creek without a paddle, and soon. Most lack supplies for even a storm-related blackout, let alone regular rolling ones. Most of them have few marketable skills beyond cleaning things, operating (not repairing) machines to clean things, or waiting on tables (as long as there is no birthday or holiday event). No gold or silver, no emergency supplies, and no practical skills means they are not going to get through their Great Tribulation, or even the problems of a world threatened by the One World Totalitarian Government. And Jehovah is not going to help them--he already helped Tyrant David and numerous others in the past, so he "doesn't need to help you" now.