I think a lot do make an honest effort to overcome prejudice when they sign on the dotted baptismal pool. I had a very close friend who admitted to me that before JW's she didn't like white people. But then she felt obligated to work past that. There were times when our friendship was seriously stressed. She often thought I was motivated by racism, because she didn't trust me. I would usually be stunned at the accusation, because I truly was not. But I tried to be patient, because I realized she had been the target of some real rotten sh*t in her life, and if her defense trigger was loose, it was understandable. So we kept working on it, instead of walking away. We grew closer and closer. Finally one day---after a year of peace---she told me that she had never had a white friend before me. Then she said, "And you know what? It's not any different.". I miss her and wish I could bring her out with me. But it is what it is. At least now she tries to judge people according to who they are.