Interracial Marriage

by Quendi 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    I think a lot do make an honest effort to overcome prejudice when they sign on the dotted baptismal pool. I had a very close friend who admitted to me that before JW's she didn't like white people. But then she felt obligated to work past that. There were times when our friendship was seriously stressed. She often thought I was motivated by racism, because she didn't trust me. I would usually be stunned at the accusation, because I truly was not. But I tried to be patient, because I realized she had been the target of some real rotten sh*t in her life, and if her defense trigger was loose, it was understandable. So we kept working on it, instead of walking away. We grew closer and closer. Finally one day---after a year of peace---she told me that she had never had a white friend before me. Then she said, "And you know what? It's not any different.". I miss her and wish I could bring her out with me. But it is what it is. At least now she tries to judge people according to who they are.


  • blondie

    I do know that interracial marriage was a crime in many states before 1964. If a jw were to marry someone of a different race the WTS did not try and overturn that law because "it did not interfere with the preaching work" pretty much the same reason that congregations and conventions were segregated then. I wonder how the WTS would have viewed jws that had married illegally during that time?

  • Quendi


    I hope your friend will judge you the same way and stop shunning you. That would prove that she really had learned the lessons you gave her.

    Very few black people live around me here in northern Colorado. The congregations I served in Boulder were lily white. The number of black publishers in them could be literally counted on the fingers of one hand. But I was close to the Witnesses in those congregations who truly were color-blind. It was very refreshing. The two closest friends I ever had among the Witnesses were white men. One is of Irish-German heritage. The other, now dead, was Italian. It was the common interests and loves we shared that lay outside the religion's bounds that tied us together.

    While the organization can today say its stance on race relations is better than what sees in the world as a whole, it still has a long way to go. I don't doubt that the 1973 Watchtower article I pasted in an earlier post is still its official stance on interracial marriage. Now that I'm out, I can see why that might be so. Despite standing up to Nazi and Communist tyranny, on the whole this organization's record on matters like civil rights is very poor. They went along with the flow, either by remaining silent while others paid with their life's blood to get equal justice under the law, or telling its membership that it had no stake in these matters but should "wait on Jehovah" to straighten things out. That was its position until and unless its own interests were threatened. Then it took a no-holds-barred approach to fight for what it saw as its rights. Only when society in general changed its attitude toward the civil rights movement did the organization think it safe enough to condemn racism and its attendant evils. They played it safe. I'm glad I'm no longer a part of it.


  • NewChapter

    Despite standing up to Nazi and Communist tyranny, on the whole this organization's record on matters like civil rights is very poor.

    And I feel pretty certain that if these regimes didn't seek to inhibit the door-to-door ministry, they would have stood by then too and passively observe many innocents were massacred.



    I know this is an old thread, but when I came across it, my mouth and eyes opened more and more as I kept reading! Unfreakin believable! I am ashamed even more so for once being a part of that religion..cult..whatever!! Their true colors really do show...and it's puke green

  • Scott77


  • dingo1

    ezekiel 23-24 she lusted after lovers whose penises were like donkeys and and emission was like that of stallions. thats some hardcore porno

  • dingo1

    btw intercultural relationships are hot. i loves me some asian


    Watchtower 1904 February 15 pp.52-53
    ?Can the Ethiopian change his skin?? ?What the Ethiopian cannot do for himself God could readily do for him. The difference between the races of men and the differences between their languages have long been arguments against the solidarity of the human family. The doctrine of restitution has also raised the question. How could all men be brought to perfection and which color of skin was the original? The answer is now provided. God can change the Ethiopian?s skin in his own due time. Prof. H. A. Edwards, Supt. of Schools in Slater, Mo., has written for the public press an elaborate description of how Julius Jackson, of New Frankfurt, Mo., a negro boy of nine years, began to grow white in September, 1901, and is now fully nine-tenths white. He assures us that this is no whitish skin disease; but that the new white skin is as healthy as that of any white boy, and that the changed boy has never been sick and never has taken medicines?

    Holy crap, mother of god..WTF!?


    We reminded one dear sister that the Lord enjoins humility, and assures us that unless we humble ourselves we shall not be exalted. If nature favors the colored brethren and sisters in the exercise of humility it is that much to their advantage, if they are rightly exercised by it. A little while, and our humility will work out for our good. A little while, and those who shall have been faithful to their Covenant of Sacrifice will be granted new bodies, spiritual, beyond the veil, where color and sex distinctions will be no more. A little while, and the Millennial Kingdom will be inaugurated, which will bring Restitution to all mankind - restitution to the perfection of mind and body, feature and color, to the grand original standard, which God declared "very good," and which was lost for a time through sin, but which is soon to be restored by the powerful Kingdom of Messiah."

    "We reminded one dear sister, that the Lord enjoins humility, and assures us that unless we humble ourselves, we shall not be exaulted". You mean like these, oh so humble words~"the perfection of mind and body, feature and color, to the grand original standard, which God declared "very good", and which was lost for a time through sin, but which is soon to be restored by the powerful Kingdom of Messiah." So what you are really saying, you sons o bitches, is that the white race is the perfect one; but no worries, cuz in time, the Lord will restore everyone else to that superior race

    Yep...thine own words will come true..."The Lord ASSURES US that unless we humble ourselves, we SHALL NOT BE EXHAULTED". The GB have NEVER been humble, NOR will they ever be exaulted!

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