My Inactive JW Workmate; One of us?
by ashitaka 12 Replies latest jw friends
Why don't you ask her, "Jane, since you are not active in your religion why are you concern about my visiting such and such web page.?
Working in the computer field my first question would be in the course of "diagnosing" your computer problem, why would she have to peruse your favorites file at all, other than to be nosy?
And if she reportedly said that "JW are brainwashers" and that was her attitude, why would she care at all if you were going to a real JW site. Sounds to me like although she may be ExJW, or inactive, she's still living by the brainwashed Nazi JW mentality. I think it's entirely up to you depending on what state you're in as far as the WTS goes. If you're trying to do the slow fade and keep friendships going, then you'd probably better watch your back. If you're like at the point where you don't give a f*** about playing by any of their rules you could gently approach her with some of the crap that goes on in the WTS and guage her response. If she get's all huffy and defensive then you'll know that although her body is out, they still have her mind.
Hey Rek, it was three months ago. I'm wondering about broaching the subject now. I'm just a curious cat, I guess.
I was thinking about bringing in the 1934 yearbook...tee-hee. Just leaving it on my deak, highlighted and bookmarked. Just want to see if she'd bite.
I was researching something, and my favorites were displayed. She just happened to see it. She's really a down to earth, nice lady.
ooooops, shut my mouth! Do I qualify for foot in mouth disease?
NONONO, dude, I didn't mean anything like that. I appreciate the comment. I would've asked her, but I'm a chickenshit SOB, you know.
me too!
As a 32yr old "eternal virgin" , I suggest that you broach the subject of her former faith at a time when there aren't alot of people around. Tell her that you have a relative who was a JW, so you know a fair bit about the religion. Ask her how she feels. If she doesn't forward too much info at first, tell her some things your "relative" feels about the religion.
She may open up, or she may not. She might be in exactly the same situation as you - wants out, but isn't da'd or df'd yet. Thus, she may be just as scared as you of saying the wrong thing. Win her trust, and she will confide in you. And you might also find someone to discuss jw matters with as well!
gracias, pris. good suggestion. Sometimes I'm so timid I can't think strait.