Earthquake at Bethel...mysterious Bethelite speaks up on significant concerns at world headquarters .

by koolaid-man 180 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sizemik

    Shamus posted this a couple of days ago . . . if you haven't done so yet, it's worth a listen . . .

  • Iamallcool

    Can anybody do transcript for me since I am deaf? Thank you!

  • sizemik

    allcool . . . I'll paraphrase a few statements on the audio . . . (Rick speaking)

    Sometimes I go to bed at night and think "I don't think this guys real"

    If Johnny turns out to be a hoax I'll apologise to everybody

    Don't take this to the bank and cash it like I'm 100% right . . . the jury's still out on this

    I'm waiting for some real documentation from Johnny and I haven't seen that yet

    I'm learning that maybe at times I get involved in things I shouldn't have . . . but you get into the frenzy of it all . . . but I'm learning

    We do get accused of sensationalism but I have to tell you something . . . you have to make it bigger than life . . . I've got to make it sound exciting

    Rick may wish to qualify the foregoing. Personally, I don't think Rick should be banned from here . . . like he said . . . he's learning. He's declared that Johnny must prove himself . . . so let him do it I say . . . that's what we're all waiting for.

    You're welcome

  • Iamallcool

    Thank you!

  • Iamallcool

    Rick, if 99.9 % of us believe that Johnny is a hoax, then you should know that Johnny is a hoax too. It must have the ring of the truth to make your radio show a success. Sorry it does not have any ring of truth to it at all, your show is a "failure". I would think it would be best for you to stop broadcasting at your radio permanently or at least for awhile. You are making apostates look bad. Please stop making apostates look bad. Do us a favor, stop sensationilism completely. Thank you!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Be careful Rick, Iamallcool could be a Watchtower spy. Don't listen to him. He's only trying to pursuade you from doing your life-saving work.

  • Iamallcool

    (scoffs at broken promises)

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    See that, Rick, he's laughing at my claims. But you know what cockroaches are like - turn the light on and they SCATTER!!

    Just sayin....

  • sizemik

    Yeah allcool . . . you leave our Rick alone please.

    If Johnny is a hoax, Rick will tell us . . . right Rick?

  • koolaid-man

    Hello everyone,sorry for the delay in posting up the Aug. 27, 2011. Six Screens call.

    A troubled young former Jehovah's Wittness woman who was disfellowshipped at age 14 tells her horrific story of being involved with the Witnesses.

    " Johnny the Bethelite" comes on about 2 hours into the call and talks about major turmoil currently taking place in The Watchtower Organization. Downsizing , Moving , Special meetings and much more. CLICK LINK...

    Scroll down to Aug 27, 2011 call.

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