How is this "denouncement" suppose to work?
de·nounce (d-nouns)·nounced, de·nounc·ing, de·nounc·es 1. To condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible. See Synonyms at criticize. 2. To accuse formally. 3. To give formal announcement of the ending of (a treaty).
People hardly answer their doors now-a-days anyway. Most JWs hardly give an audible "knock" at the door. I don't think half JWs have it in them to do so.
Years ago, in the 50s we were taught to "overcome" objections. Then, it developed to "refute" objections, then "absorb" objections; thus, a softening approach. Also, before '75, we were suppose to "drop" Bible Studies after 6 mos of studying, if they didn't get a move on to meetings, baptism, etc. Because the end was so close, no time for us publishers/pioneers to waste our time with them. Now, they don't do that.
So, occasionally, some JWs, will say outrageous things to stir up some kind of fervor among JWs, as their results are becoming more and more desperate.
Come to think of it, the Nov. 15 WT coming up does try to stir up some "warlike" spirit in the article about Jehu. Ugh.