May you all have peace! I would like to know, if you wish to share with me and board, (1) how YOU define "success"... meaning, as to life; and (2) whether you consider yourself "successful". If you will, please share how you define it for yourself... and/or whether that includes how you define it for others. I truly hope you don't get trite, cliche, anecdotal, or sarcastic, but share with us what you REALLY believe/feel/think.
I will start: For ME, I define "success" as peace of mind. Mine.
I would also say that it's one of the highest gauges of success for everyone (except those whose minds are "sick" - those who achieve peace of mind through depravity... or those whose minds are unable to discern that should NOT be at peace on a matter). I do realize that there are things that may contribute to peace of mind... or a lack thereof... but won't go into that here.
I do believe I am more than moderately "successful", but not absolutely successful; however, I think that being a woman is what sometimes stands in the way of my being completely successful (we tend to "worry" about a lot more than we should/need to, even the "small stuff", is all I mean).
So... what say you?
Again, peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,