The Makeweight Scenario

by cedars 119 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EntirelyPossible

    Babble means not understood. What is it you do not understand?

    Everything you say. Because you babble. And that's not what babble mean. Do you know how to use a dictionary? If not, I can show you.

    Would it not be nice to warn the guy who is hating me? I hate when people do that. They were mean to me.

    No one hates you. We just can't figure out what the heck you are saying and you seem hatefilled and angry. If everyone is is mean to you, perhaps you should look at the common denominator, you.

    UN-Christian like and it's me? Like it use to be the woman's fault when she was raped?

    No, it's not the woman's fault for being raped. It IS your fault for babbling and perceiving everything as hate. False analogy.

  • EntirelyPossible

    That was a hot picture Zid. You need a date for anything?

  • N.drew

    A perfect example of "bad association". THAT means you tell the truth

    of the Bible, Jesus' own words, then you be sarcastic at me. That is what Paul meant.

    You are associating The Way The Truth The Life with Nancy, your doomed.

    Paul I'm certain says "thank you EP". IT DOES NOT MEAN PEOPLE

    are bad associations. It means BIBLE and SATAN together are BAD.

    When you put them together it is a bad association. That way the "Preach the word "

    is spoiled because it isn't HOLY. Now she says "how long?" will you insist it is people?

    That is in the Bible. It is? Yes!

  • ziddina

    Aw, EP!!!

    Unfortunately, I don't really look like that in the flesh - er, flames - er, spirit... Crap! Whatever!!

  • N.drew

    Nope! wrong again. Your bating me?

  • ziddina

    Aaaaand, I think it's time to draw Simon's attention to this particular poster's behavior...

  • N.drew

    OMG your name is fuck you you stupid stupid fucking frog woman. \You fucking

    judge stupid person jerk. You are wrong. I took a fucking name? And I stole the

    name Borg? Fuck you stupids. you didn't keep your fucking clothes

    Do you not know there isa a Judge, it's not you?

  • ziddina

    Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Like any dysfunctional manipulator, it starts screaming insults when it is exposed...

  • N.drew

    You are insulting me stupid stupid again and again and again.

    But giod told The prophets thaey had to keep on even id nobody listened.

  • N.drew

    And Jesus said that they would hate us who loved truth

    IN JESUS NAME you are in Jesus name right? and do they shun you?


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