My grandmother is not doing so well health-wise. She just turned 91 and has been a faithful JW her entire life. She has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is battling pneumonia on top of that.
We were very close up until the point, a few years ago, when she asked me flat-out if I had any intention of coming back or if I even believed in God. My honest answers pretty much solidified my apostate status. She wished me well, told me she would always love me, and that it had to be goodbye. I understood that there was no malice in her decision, that she was only doing what she thought God wanted her to do. Tough though it is to hear that, I knew it was coming. That was the last time we spoke until recently, when she informed me of her current situation. She says she wants to see me one last time to say goodbye.
I plan to drive with my wife and younger sister (also out) from Seattle to SLC to visit her one final time before she goes.
Here's the messy part: She has been under the care of a homeopathic, natural healer who consequently, is a Witness from another congregation. My youngest sister (still very much in) has gone on the warpath, accusing my sick grandma of taking part in "spiritism" as a result of the homeopathic medicine. This person, by the way has been to Bethel to practice on people there and has the support and backing of the elders in her congregation. My sister called in her In-Laws from California to try to put a stop to this treatment, claiming that conventional medicine and doctors can heal her better. Her In-Laws don't even know my grandmother, but have invaded her home, turned away the person treating her, and have pretty much taken over, telling my grandma that her "spiritistic" medicine will not be tolerated. My grandmother was allowed to lie unconcious in her home because these idiots thought she was "sleeping". Thankfully my Aunt pretty much stepped in and told these folks to f*ck off and that they aren't welcome. If these people are still around when I show up, they are going to have some REAL problems on their hands.
Anyway, I'm hoping for the best. It will be good to see her, even if it's the last time. i just wanted to vent a little to folks that might have some idea of what I'm going through. My wife and her family are very supportive, but just don't grasp JW behavior. Can't say that I blame them.
Thanks for reading.