I am so sorry you are feeling depressed. You are and have always been there to encourage others, and whenever you hear of someone being ill, you are right there to do everything you can to make them feel better. I have always noticed that your empathy and compassion towards others are heartfelt and genuine, and I hope that with all of the posts and well wishes here that you feel that same love shown towards you at this time that you really need it. You are the type of person that this world needs more of, not less, so please take care of yourself and get professional help if you need it. It saddens me that some the nicest people such as yourself are often the ones who are prone to depression. I wish that there was something that could magically somehow take your pain away, but it takes time. Please know that there really is light at the end of the tunnel even though it may be hard to see right away. Don't be afraid to rely on your friends, that is what they/we are there for, even if it is just a kind word or thought, or sometimes a little nudge to help get you back on track.
So many of us see the beautiful soul that you are. You are very much admired! Please look inside yourself so you too can see what we see, someone who deserves the same love and caring that you have given others so freely and sincerely.
You. Are. LOVED.