The Bible: "For all who are led by God's spirit, these are God's sons."--Rom. 8:14
The Watchtower: Only 144,000 are actually God's sons. Anyone else is God's 'friend' like Abraham and does not become one of God's children until after the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus.
This is a simple example--the WT says that because this was written to the Romans in the first century, it therefore applies only to them. Yet the writer did not say that 144,000 who are led by God's spirit are God's sons; he said ALL who are led by God's spirit are God's sons. The audience isn't relevant; ALL is ALL. If all doesn't really mean all, and the WT is correct, then Paul is lying and has written falsehood. There's nothing in scripture to indicate that people would suddenly stop being led by God's spirit after the first century and for 1,800 years after that, only for a handful of guys in Brooklyn to suddenly be led by it and reserve it and the understanding of the Bible to themselves.
The Bible: "The gift God gives is everlasting life by Jesus Christ our Lord."--Rom. 6:23
The Watchtower: Everlasting life is something our works make us worthy of--faith in Jesus is not enough if not demonstrated by 5 meetings a week, 10+ hours a month in ministry, and obedience to/acceptance of all teachings coming from the Governing Body.
The Bible: "Who is the liar if it is not the one that denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one that denies the Father and the Son."--1 John 2:22
The Watchtower: Anyone who rejects the Governing Body as 'God's channel of communication' is the antichrist. Thus, the Governing Body's teachings are = Jesus Christ by implication.
The Bible: "But now I am writing you to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man."--1 Cor. 5:11
The Watchtower: A number of offenses not mentioned in scripture are subject to this verse, including rejecting any of the Society's teachings, smoking (heck, even farming the tobacco plant), working on or in a church building, celebrating birthdays/holidays, accepting a blood transfusion, talking to someone who has been expelled, having oral sex with your marriage mate (if you make it public), even being accused of wrong based on circumstantial evidence or hearsay. Star chamber trials, unlike the person in 1 Corinthians 5, whose conduct was public knowledge and whose conduct was addressed before the entire congregation with Paul's letter, make sure that only those in 'authority' hear the evidence and see the person's attitude towards his actions.
The Bible: "But as for the cowards and those without faith....and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This means the second death."--Rev. 21:8
The Watchtower: It's okay to lie to the public, misrepresent one's own history or beliefs for the sake of recruitment or to protect the organization from the government. 'Theocratic warfare'.
The Bible: "And I saw...a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads...and no falsehood was found in their mouths; they are without blemish."--Rev. 14:1-5
The Watchtower: 144,000 engage in false prophesying and even outright lying about their own history. They sanction dishonesty as a means to an end. Examples: 1925, 1975, 'this generation',, Public Edition WT.
The Bible: "Nebuchadnezzar the king, to all the peoples, national groups and languages that are dwellingin all the earth:...The signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed with me, it has seemed good to me to declare. How grand his signs are, and how m ight his wonders are! His kingdom is a kingdom to time indefinite, and his rulership is for generation after generation."--Daniel 4:1-3
The Watchtower: God's kingdom and rulership were interrupted in 607 B.C.E. God's rulership over the earth was trampled by human governments for 2,520 years. (Apparently in contradiction of the entire point of God's humiliating Nebuchadnezzar in the first place....)
The Bible: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so! Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings."--Matt. 24:45-47
The Watchtower: The master appoints the slave over both his domestics and his belongings at his invisible presence, and then appoints the slave over all the earth upon his arrival. Slave is rewarded on the basis of declaring practically any message, even if that message isn't even considered remotely true today. This is not an illustration about the need for spiritual alertness, but a prophecy fulfilled in 1919.
The Bible: "Then the apostles and the older men together with the whole congregation favored sending chosen men from among them to Antioch along with Paul and Barnabas."--Acts 15:22.
"Paul, an apostle, neither from men nor through a man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him up from the dead...But when God...thought good to reveal his Son in connection with me, that I might declare the good news about him to the nations, I did not go at once into conference with flesh and blood. Neither did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles previous to me, but I went off into Arabia, and I came back again to Damascus...for He who gave Peter powers necessary for an apostleship to those who are circumcised gave powers also to me for those who are of the nations."--Gal. 1:1-2:10.
The Watchtower: Acts 15 shows a 'governing body' meeting together to make decisions for the entire Christian congregation. Pictures frequently depict a group of 12-15 men in a private room preparing to make a decision, when a 'multitude' and the 'whole congregation' are spoken of as being present for this occasion. They also teach that this governing body had to approve Paul as a governing body member, yet Paul says he received his authority straight from God and Christ.
Wish I had references handy to go with these, but I hope that's useful...