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9 EldersonRegionalBuildingCommittees and relief committees work hard to help the brothers. They deserve our wholehearted support! Consider the relief effort after Cy- clone Nargis hit Myanmar in 2008. To reach the Bothingone Congregation in the hard- hit Irrawaddy Delta region, the relief team traveled through devastated terrain strewn with corpses. When the local brothers saw that the first relief team to reach Bothingone included their former circuit overseer, they cried out: “Look! It’s our circuit overseer! Je- hovah has saved us!” Do you appreciate the hard work that the elders render day and night? Some elders are appointed to serve on special committees to handle difficult ju- dicial problems. These elders do not brag about what they have accomplished; yet those who benefit from their service are real- ly grateful.—Matt. 6:2-4.