Well,I know a couple families in the area that usually go every year. One is the family of someone who is pretty close to things up at Bethel. Of course,I don't talk to them as much anymore,since I'm fading. But,I'll have to arrange a visit with them,or innocently ask my mother to ask about the Annual meeting.
2011 Annual meeting information needed!
by Atlantis 47 Replies latest jw friends
JW GoneBad
breakfast of champions
Heard through friends of friends who went that the big secret that the society is bailing out of Brooklyn is true, and evidently, not a secret. That's it so far, I have some other second hand sources I haven't talked to yet.
This is what I just got via e-mail from a "very niche sister":
The text for 2012 service year is John 17:17 "Your Word is Truth"
Two highlights: big expansion of Walkill to last through 2013, including the construction of a 3-story office complex, and World Headquarters (not the US branch) will be moving out of Brooklyn to Warwick, NY, pending approval of construction there. Our prayers for Jehovah's direction were encouraged.
Second is that the emphasis will be given to more experienced workers in the field (goal of Bible School for Single Brothers / Christian Couples), and to have seasoned and experienced brothers & couples serve as a stabilizing influence in the more densely populated areas (Gilead School). Gilead School thus has a new role: only those in special full-time service (Bethel, missionaries, special pios, TOs) will be invited based on branch recommendations. These will in turn be assigned to areas where the maximum no. of brothers and sisters will benefit from their experience and special training.
(Just a clarification regarding the "change of focus" of Gilead: Bro. Morris mentioned that the Bible School for Christian Couples will begin to be held in other branch territories in Sept 2012. Thus, while it seems that Gilead will be "invitation only", there will be many, many more opportunities for couples to receive theocratic training.)
Of course, we'll get the reports of this meeting via WT articles and study articles soon in the future.Desi
Gilead School thus has a new role: only those in special full-time service (Bethel, missionaries, special pios, TOs)
will be invited based on branch recommendations.
These will in turn be assigned to areas where the maximum no. of brothers and sisters will benefit
from their experience and special training.
Whoa! That's pretty huge.
So Gilead will be open to "special full time" dudes & dudettes only?
And it sounds like it will stop churning out missionaries, and start sending graduates to "problem areas" with a "maximum number" of JWs?
That's really major, and quite counter-intuitive.
Virtually all growth is coming from 3rd world countries where missionaries are sent - and now they won't be crafting any more missionaries?
A lot - a lot - of pioneer couples, whose literal lifelong goal was to get to Gilead & become missionaries, will be devastated.
Can't figure out why they would do that - why the shift? Any ideas?
They want to stop the bleeding in major countries. They think by sending in the big trees of righteousness it will halp slow down the apostate influence. They may feel missionaries will add some shore up congregations struggling with low attendance & field service hours. In regards to the other schools I rember a pioneer sister feeling left out that there isn't a school for single sisters who want ot serve where the need is greater.
Btw what is a TO?
TO = traveling overseer.
But it's still a bit odd.
Seems like there are lots of congregations which need "shoring up". Wouldn't it make more sense to send the "Bible School for Christian Couples" graduates to that kind of work?
The BSCC only takes what - 4 or 8 weeks to finish. It isn't as rigorous as the Gilead course, so auxiliary locations can be set up around the country. You could have dozens of BSCC graduates for every Gilead graduate that makes it thru the 20 week course.
I.e., why shore up just a few dozen congregations with Gilead grads, when you could have the graduates from the BSCC school, with a shorter term and more locations, shoring up hundreds?
Found Sheep
this subject has me blocked????
Found Sheep
ti says 19 posts but i can only 13 1/2?trying to bump to the next page sometimes that helps it's happen before...