WT July 15 2011 p 16
[Intro to quote] Suppose a doctor told you to avoid someone infected with a contagious deadly disease....
"Well, apostates are 'mentally diseased and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings. (1 Tim 6 3,4) Jehovah, the great physician tells us to avoid contact with them . We know what he means but are we determined to heed his warning in all respects?"
Now, does Jehovah tell Christians to avoid critics of the Watchtower Society? No.. In 2 John 10 it says to not receive in your homes a man who is "not confessing Jesus Christ"..How that was to be applied in life, we do not know but it had nothing to do with the WTBS!
I note what the article goes on to say:
"No matter what false teachers may say, we will not follow them!"
So they admit to being closed-minded - insular and unwilling to listen to any reasoning no matter how well thought out that argument might be. Does this not put them in the same attitude as The Pharisees , or indeed the comments they used to make about the Catholic Church in my childhood when the mags abounded with stories of priest, usually Irish, telling their parishioners never to listen to Jehovah's Witnesses. They used to slate them for that ....