Hi. My name is Andy Pesante, I'm 22 years old, and my father is an Elder of a congregation in Philadelphia. We started going to meetings when I was 12. Living in a crappy big city like Philly can really close your eyes to the real issues surrounding our society.....after all why would you even care when everyone regards each other with a glare right? I met my wife (who also grew up a witness) over the internet, and we eventually eloped together 3 years ago. Now onto the real issue.
After taking 2 years of my life to really observe the world, present, past, and possible future, I have come to a few conclusions which shocked me..... how could I not notice this earlier? The U.S. government is an evil conglomerate of white males who run this country like a legalized mafia of sorts: they receive a large percentage of everything from businesses to items which are essentially free : land, food, housing etc. in return for military "protection". All the while we take for granted they are handing us the truth and are the "good guys" when in fact they are the most vile people in this world. Their ultimate goal? Mind Control and profit. Now I know some of you are saying "what the heck does this have to do with witnesses?" Well, I took about 5 or so months to do some real research about the society, its founders, and the literature surrounding its conception. What I found was something far worse than what I could have imangined. Everything from racism against blacks and hispanics, false prophecies by Russell and Rutherford ( the 1975 "Armageddon" which never happened), the NGO scandal which I still can't beleive no witnesses know about, policy changes which costed lives to good people (the policy equating organ transplants to cannibalism) the hundreds of people who got disfellwoshipped and how their brainwashed, cult affiliated witness family members totally diregarded them and basically considered them dead, the countless cases of pedophilia and how the victims are kept silent. All the while they wish to not associate with ANYONE who is not of their same faith, very similar to a cult. This is an outrage.
My point? Well if you compare the Witnesses social structure to that of the United States government, they are extremely similar. I am not stating that I know for a fact they are working together..... but wouldn't it make sense if they were? I mean, how often do you hear witnesses stating how they need not to worry about politics and how they must maintain a state of political neutrality. How they should not worry about their society because God is going to wash away the system. Just follow the authorities that be, maintain your near white male attitudes, go to your jobs, the females keep your heads low, contribute your tax dollars to the system while you are here, and everything will be just fine.
Now if anyone reading this had half a brain, you would know thats total BS.
Another factor which makes me lean towards the conspiracy factor and linking it to the government is the fact that ALL..... I repeat ALL the members of the governing body are WHITE. Not one colored guy among them. Lets also not gloss over the fact that nearly all other religions are required to pay taxes for even having their religion, yet Witnesses seem to conveniently evade this policy because all their proceeds are "donations" (which ofcourse the Watchtower Bible and tract society collects on, and this is how they are able to take up that humongous space in Brooklyn, all the while the bethelites get to live for free, as long as they keep pumping those sales). Not to mention how women in the earlier days of our nation were not allowed to vote, much similar to the little, if any, "privilidges" the females receive in the congregations. Funny how when you try to look up info on the starting days of the society, the information is unavailable to the public, and restricted to even the highest members.
In closing, if I sound like a nut to you, I don't care. I never said that what I have mentioned is my "belief". Just some ideas that ran across my head I'd like to share. The one thing I'd love to point out is this :
Think of the Watchtower bible and tract society as a business, not a religion. Now if thats not financial success through mind control, I don't know what is. A business where your door-to-door representatives dont get paid crap for what they sell, and you get all the profit. Take a look at the number of witnesses worldwide. Thats more employees than Mcdonalds and Burger King combined, with loyalty to the company that surpasses even Steve Jobs employees (IBM). They even have monthly sales tracking sheets (publisher cards) and if your numbers aren't high enough, then you get looked down upon. Then, as if that weren't enough, they have entire assembly halls built for FREE! Not a dime on construction labor costs, just materials. And the workers DONATE when they work! And isn't it just a wee bit funny how EVERY, and I mean EVERY assembly has a defecit which they announce somewhere around half-time at assembly, to get all those poor people to give as much money as they can. Does anyone here have ANY idea how much it costs to rent a stadium for 3 days? If every attendant at a convention or assembly gave 25 cents, it would be enough to cover the costs. Oh and beleive me, they rake in the money come convention time, because I was a money counter at conventions....dear god the hordes of cash.
Until I discover the real truth behind the society, I am forced to be a part of a family who considers me to be the lost one. How humorous and yet ironic, in the end I might discover the "truth" after all, but my family will die not even listening to me because that would make me an "Apostate" for trying to open their eyes. Oh well, at least I'm not the one getting screwed by my saviors. It just saddens me that I have to sit by and watch as my family gets stuck in the rut of this cult, wasting their whole (and only) lifetime they have, being restricted and told what to do and how to do it by rich money grubbing a$$holes who are socially destructive through life altering policies. I wish someone out there could help me tell all these poor people the real truth before their lives are completely wasted doing door to door sales for free.