Just in case the WTS is watching this site

by WildHorses 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    Hi Lilacs,

    Just remember any affection I have professed for you was true, never pretended.



  • Yadirf


    How can "apostates" recieve [entertain] hope of a resurrection when one of the recent Awake! declared them part of the Anti-Christ?
    There's hope even for the angels that sinned in Noah's day. Has the apostate done worse things?
  • Yadirf


    In view of what Yadirf said to Lilacs here: "Your pretended onetime lover, Yadirf".

    You picked up on it and said: "Hi Lilacs, Just remember any affection I have professed for you was true, never pretended."

    Why do you prefer to make it appear as if I implied a TOTAL dislike for Lilacs? I didn't say that she had no likable or good qualities at all. I merely called attention to my having joked around with her, pretending for a while that she was an excellent replacement for Venice. But yes, she can be quite foolish sometimes, even as you've shown yourself capable of being. I stand by all else that I said too. I hope that you are doing better, haven't heard or read anything from you in a while.


  • WildHorses

    Good morning Friday,

    Believe it or not, what you said didn't hurt my feelings, but I do have them you know.

    I do have affection for you in an non sexual way of course, and no matter what that affection is unconditional. I will not now or any time in the future ever say anything bad to you or about you. I look past the surface of a human being. I hope people will do the same for me.

    For whatever reason you are not attending the KH, if that is what you truely wish to do, please do so again, but please do not put me down for not wanting to do so. It is not your place, it is God's alone.

    Love, Lilacs

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • TR


    an Organization that strives for holiness
    HUH????(scooby voice)


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • expatbrit

    Why is it that organisations that "strive for holiness" for themselves always end up fixated upon unholiness in others, do you think?


  • waiting

    There's been much debate as to the idea of this site being read by anyone at the "Society." My guess would be yes - to a certain degree.

    I'm basing this on the old saying of Al Capone: Keep your friends close to your heart. Keep your enemies closer.

    Not hard to understand - know your enemy. There's really not many sites like this with all kinds of backgrounds, thoughts & emotions coming to fore. From idiots to Ph.D's hangin' with us.

    The Society is rift with fools, no doubt. But on the business side? They make too much money to be total fools. Bet there's some lawyer's aide assigned to reading us.

    I suspect we're like a morning newspaper for them - to be read for bits of information. Or the cartoon section.


  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    What is with this "Apostate" word? It seems to be one of Yadirf's favorites.

    Its just a frickin' word!

    I looked it up in the "Funk & Wagnel's" dictionary, it only means someone who has left their religion.


    Call me an apostate all you want......I could care less.

    I like the word "escapee". It discribes me so much better!


  • ianao

    I prefer to call the beloved yadirF a 'prostate'. It seems to suit him better.

  • joelbear

    Hi Yadirf,

    I have started praying again. Its been a long time since I've done that.

    I like you and have seen how kind you can be. I like your kind side better. Its much more healing and beneficial to those you communicate with.

    I just like to remind you of that from time to time.

    I am hanging in there although some days the stress feels like its going to pull me under for good. I looked in the yellow pages for gun stores yesterday. Not trying to be a drama queen, just stating factually how bad I felt mentally yesterday.

    take care


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