Mass Apostasy- Sign of the Lord’s presence

by mankkeli 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Watchtower is an apostate organization. It's part of that Evil Slave that beats servants of Jesus to "do more!" as that Evil Slave Class sees that Christ's return is delayed... since 1914... according to their false prophecies.

    The last I attended was the DC, and the lack of joy and enthusiasm among Jehovah's Witnesses was palpable. My sister left the one she attended early, totally bummed by all the tired, old people there. Sure, they pretend to be happy, saying "best convention ever". But if you start asking any questions, you see that nobody really paid any attention to the nonsense pouring from the platform.

    Since leaving the apostate organization, I am able to pursue real truth and have discovered a joy better than the panda-petting paradise that just never seems to come for Watchtower slaves. Basically, I'm an "apostate" coming out of an "apostate organization" that is a complete fraud. I'm very joyful to be gone from that tyranny.

    Watchtower is just another "Johnnie Come Lately" in the Evil Slave Class that has personally profited from the "Jesus trade". This goes all the way back to the "apostasy" of the first century, Paul's day. If someone chooses to believe that this is a sign of the Lord's presence? Well, Jesus must be present since about 34 CE.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Regardless of the OP's thread record, this article he posted has some gems in it, and to be honest with you, it just single handedly ruined my day.

    Articles like this make my chest hurt, and right now as I'm typing this I feel this strange internal pain which feels like someone is stabbing me with a butterknife between my rib, back, and armpit. It's strange because when I feel this pain, its always only on one side of my body and I wonder if that's a sign of a minor stroke. Oh well.

    Are you profoundly shocked and unduly disturbed when you see or hear of a Christian you know yielding to doubts, cooling off and perhaps even becoming rebellious to the point of deserting the Christian congregation and trying to draw others away with him? If so, you may be comforted in knowing that, sad as such occurrences may be, the Scriptures forewarn us that they will happen.

    This is what kills me, this right here. If not for the shunning, cats would simply leave, and nobody would have to worry about anyone trying to draw others away after them. Most just want to get as far away from other JWs as they possibly can. If it weren't for the family fallout, I'd be gone tonight, and I'd probably never post on here again. There'd be no need to

    As to the effects of a course of apostasy, one immediate result is a loss of joy. The apostate becomes hardened in his rebellious ways. Another is he fails to take in the spiritual food provided by “the faithful and discreet slave”—this leading to spiritual weakness and breakdown of spirit. Contrasting the happiness of his loyal servants with the sad condition of apostates, Jehovah stated prophetically:

    Immediate loss of joy as a result of apostacy. Aint that about a.......a person loses his/her entire family, way of life, figures out everything he's ever believed in was a lie, what'd ya expect he/she would feel?

    We have seen that one of the basic causes of apostasy is a lack of faith through destructive doubt, and that the word translated “doubt” also means “to distinguish.” The apostate makes himself a decider of what is true and what is false, of what is “good and bad” in the way of spiritual food. He becomes presumptuous."

    Just like the WT presumed they knew what, "This Generation" meant, just like they knew when Jerusalem got sacked by Babylon, amongst a ton of other things. The definition of, Presumptuous, by the way is this : Overstepping due bounds; Taking liberties. Another definition could be added to that, that being, calling yourself "the faithful and discreet slave."

  • Nickolas

    It would bother me too, NRFG, if it wasn't all psychological bullshit. All the negative implications of leaving the Watchtower or any other Christian sect are driven by the sect itself. Self fulfilling prophesy is not miraculous but is manipulation.

  • sabastious
    Self fulfilling prophesy is not miraculous but is manipulation.

    Self fulfilling prophecy is the definition of a magic trick, right? An illusion is as good as the real thing in some cases. Terry made a really cool post about that a while back.


  • ziddina

    If apostasy generates the immediate effect of a "loss of joy", then 'Jesus' musta been one sad puppy...

    To this day, Jews generally view 'Jesus' as some sort of apostate...

  • Nickolas

    Self fulfilling prophecy is the definition of a magic trick, right? An illusion is as good as the real thing in some cases

    Indeed it is, sab.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    More of this "Jehovah's happy people" nonsense - and by contrast, all "apostates" are supposed to be sad.

    Interestingly (and not at all surprizingly) the common theme that I hear from people around me when the subject of JWs comes up is "they never look happy." Sounds like all the active JWs around here must be apostates in disguise!


  • Rydor

    When a child learns there's no Santa Claus, how does he/she feel?

    Those of us raised in the organization cannot relate of course, but if I had to guess I would say "sad and disillusioned." "Joyful?" Not a chance. Yet everyone here would agree that it is better for that child to know the truth, even if it causes some temporary sadness.

    It's the same with ex-witnesses. When they find out "The truth about the Truth" does it cause a temporary "loss of joy?" Sure. But are we better off not believing and dedicating our entire lives to a fairy tale? You bet.

  • DagothUr

    I don't like to start the fire myself, but I like to throw in some gasoline, once it's started.

  • punkofnice

    As to the effects of a course of apostasy, (Loaded language term) one immediate (Hasty overgeneralization) result is a loss of joy. (Appeal to fear. Where’s the proof of the statement?) The apostate (Loaded language to enforce ‘Us vs: Them’ superiority) becomes hardened (How, proof please!) in his rebellious (‘rebellious’ is a word used as loaded language - Guilt by association and appeal to fear fallacies) ways. Another is he fails to take in the spiritual food provided by “the faithful and discreet slave” (Irrelevant conclusion = Obey the Governing Body or Jehovah will lovingly murder us SOON*)

    —this leading to spiritual weakness (‘spiritual weakness’ = Loaded language. Half baked ‘Biblical’ words never used this way in scripture) and breakdown of spirit. (Sweeping generalization and without evidence) Contrasting the happiness of his loyal servants (Jehovah’s ‘happy people’ where depression reigns supreme) with the sad condition of apostates, (Loaded cult language, straw man, appeal to fear, fallacy of misplaced concreteness) Jehovah stated prophetically: (‘Proof text’ appeal to authority, mystical manipulation etc etc)

    We have seen that one of the basic (weasel word) causes of apostasy (loaded language) is a lack of faith through destructive doubt, (sweeping overgeneralization. OK prove it!) and that the word translated “doubt” also means “to distinguish.” (Appeal to authority) The apostate (Loaded language) makes himself a decider of what is true and what is false, (No. A normal person simply disagrees with the watchtower. It’s no biggie!) of what is “good and bad” in the way of spiritual food. (‘spiritual food’ again another WTB$ confection of words as loaded language to appear ‘Biblical’) He becomes presumptuous." (Ad Hominem)

    This is typical WTB$ propaganda. A person disagrees with the WTB$ so they attack the person with ‘HATE’ – ‘’……hate the person with whom the badness is inseparably linked." Watchtower 1961 Jul 15 p.420

    *(Terms and conditions apply and are subject to 'overlapping' or ‘New Light’™or which ever makes the GB seem much higher than God!)

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