I've read the whole thread...
Anony Mous, I was going to congratulate you on your exit, then I got to the point at which your wife and her family basically kidnapped your child...
As Jamie Bowers stated above, I'd see a lawyer - pronto!!
Heck, I'd even involve the police - as soon as possible, based on the advice of your attourney, of course.
Having their arses handed to them, based on an "Amber Alert", might give them more than a thin veneer of respect for Caesar's Authority... PLUS, it would be much more significant to bring that out in court when fighting for custody of your daughter...
Best of results in the difficult struggle and times that you have ahead of you...
P.S. If I were in your shoes, I'd even play "Spy vs Spy"

- pretend to be contrite and repentant, even returning to the KH if necessary, and THEN I would plan a much more COMPLETE escape... With my lawyer's cooperation, of course.
ALSO!! Be sure to obtain a copy of the Watchtower publication on obtaining custody of children during a divorce, and give it to your lawyer so he/she can be better prepared to deal with "Theocratic Warfare"...
I can't recall its title... I'll search and edit when I find it...