The lady I studied with asked if it would be okay if she still brought the magazines by. I said of course because I do love the Awake and Watchtower. Well, when she came by last week, she gave me the mags and then as we stood around chit-chatting, I realized we were basically still having the study, only we were standing up instead of sitting in the living room. She gave me the mags and as she did, opened them up and went over various points about JW's being one true religion etc. , So now I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to be rude and say, "Do not bring magazines, just go away" because I like her and I have no problems with the magazines but, I have made a definate stand that I no longer want to study, in fact, I've told her my husband forbids it. Which he does. I wish she would just put the mags in the mail but she says, no she doesn't mind bringing them. What do I do? I don't want to go through this every month.
I've stopped my bible study but....
by PenelopePaige 75 Replies latest jw friends
Even though you don't want to you may have to stop the mags. It doesn't look like this woman is going to respect your boundaries and stop preaching/studying to you. Disrespectful people don't make good friends.
I said of course because I do love the Awake and Watchtower.
Wat just a moment - (beep-beep-back up the truck): You LOVE the Awake and Watchtower??? If you LOVE this fanciful false-prophetic religious nonsense, maybe you should just go on with the study...
Or, maybe you were just jesting with us...
This is called a doorstep study. There is a feature in the Watchtower that is designed just for this purpose. They are relentless. You're still being counted as a bible study.
nancy drew
many jw's are in fact very nice and decent people and this is something that creates a real problem because their continued friendship will depend on you becoming a witness. If you bond with one of them it will be a issue in the future. She will not continue to visit you indefinately you will have to join or be dropped and she will make herself your best friend if that's what it takes to get you in. So if you have reservations about the information be careful witnesses can be very nice and you can be deceived once you join the handcuffs go on and she will drift away from you to befriend a new "householder".
No Room For George
Wat just a moment - (beep-beep-back up the truck): You LOVE the Awake and Watchtower??? If you LOVE this fanciful false-prophetic religious nonsense, maybe you should just go on with the study...
Or, maybe you were just jesting with us...
LOL, you beat me to it.
Penelope, any opening you leave for a JW, will be exploited to the best of their poor ability. In fact, I have a strange feeling that you're going to be interviewed at a Circuit Assembly within the next few years.
JamesWoods- Yes, I've said on here many times that I do enjoy the magazines. I do notice things in them from time to time that make me pause and say, WTF? but for the most part I believe they have some very good articles and I think they are right about alot of things. (and dreadfully wrong on others) so no, I do not have an issue with the magazines for the most part.
In fact, before finding this board I was still studying and was THIS CLOSE to actually , MAYBE becoming a Witness. I mean, I was really picking up everything they were putting down, I really was, I'm ashamed to say. But then I found this website and read the horror stories of family shunning, being pioneered to death, never being good enough for God, and them dropping me like a hot potato once my study was over and I immediatly re-thought my entire stance. So anyway, I do still read the magazines, but I did end the study and I am now careful not to listen to any of the rhetoric.
I said of course because I do love the Awake and Watchtower.
Then why did you quit the Bible Study?..
Your studying WBT$ literature when you have a JW Bible Study..
There is no real Bible Study..
NoRoomforGeorge- haha- No, definately no Circuit assembly for me- haha :)
I'm surprised that everyone is so shocked at me liking the magazines. Holy crap, should I not be reading them? They seem okay to me. I'm really shocked that everyone has an issue with me liking the magazines....