Have you ever taught worldly people all about JW while you are ex JW?
by Iamallcool 26 Replies latest jw friends
absolutely. knowledge is power.
White Dove
Hell yeah! I never pass up an opportunity to aposta-lize!
I'm a lot more zealous now than I ever was as a JW.
I'm guessing that it has to do with being completely convinced that I have the truth about the troof now and didn't then.
I was so shy and embarrassed back then about preaching.
Now, I know why.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I do now and again and get a kick out of it.
People stare at me in disbelief when I explain the disfellowshipping 'loving arrangement'.
Black Sheep
Not all about them. I have better things to do.
I only talk about them until they tell me they sound like a cult.
I will do the same B.Sheep, enough to make them realise the religion is poison.
I don't talk about being an ex-JW unless they ask questions about me that make me bring it up. Being a preachy anti-JW is almost as bad as being a preachy JW. Nobody wants to be preached to about religion.
As mentioned above I most certainly DO alert non witnesses to the evil of the WTB$ but I'm not obsessed with it.
I feel it's important to stop people ever getting sucked in to a destructive high control publishing business that is a lie and a life of anxiety.
Interestingly, people just see the JWs as nice people with religion. When I explain 'disfellowshipping' they are horrified by such an evil practice. When I explain abbout the blood doctrine they think the WTB$ is evil.
At least this way I feel I can stop people making a mess of their lives and help to stop 7 paedo-protecters in Brooklyn getting more money and power.
Black Sheep
Interestingly, people just see the JWs as nice people with religion.
I get this a lot.
They are usually with at least one person they love, so I explain what would happen if they joined the religion and then one of them left.