What are the ten questions?
WT Nov 1, 2011 SEX - Ten Questions About Sex Answered
by St George of England 48 Replies latest watchtower bible
Here is a QFR I wanted to send in:
My spouse is a hermaphrodite. What kind of sex can we have?
When you can Knock on someone's door on a Saturday morning uninvited you don't have many Social Barriers
What are the ten questions?
Was sex the original sin
that was committed by
Adam and Eve in the
garden of Eden?2
Does the Bible prohibit
sexual pleasure?3
Does the Bible approve
of a man and a woman
living together if they
are not legally married?4
Is polygamy
Is it wrong for married
couples to use
Is it wrong
to have an
Does the Bible permit
Does God approve of
Is there
wrong with
phone sex,
or cybersex?10
What is the Bible's
view of masturbation? -
Can't wait to see the newly baptized kiddies try to place this one ;-P
11. If Jesus said to not look on a woman with passion how the Hell does anyone Marry.
The Quiet One
Designs, if you're being serious, the clue is in the wording. '..has already comitted ADULTERY with her in his heart'. This only applies to married people, when taken in context.. “Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” ( Matthew 5:28 )
So those are the questions they came up with (not questions I would come up with, the WT writing department has a severe lack of imagination), what are the WT answers?
I would go look myself but I don't want to soil my iPad looking at such a site.;D
Ok, maybe i am wrong... but, questions 3, 6 and 7 are not about SEX!!
3. Living together?? i can live w a friend.. they should have said HAVE SEX..
6. Abortion??? that's a consquence of sex, but is not a question about the act of SEX
7. Divorce?? people can divorce for many reasons..
What about? what the Bible says about ORAL sex, sex GAMES or ANAL..... mmm... to XXX for them to dicuss?
And love this gem in answer for question 5 ' Jesus did not command his followers to have chil- dren. Neither did any of Jesus’ disciples issue any such direc- tive. "... so what about Jehova telling Adam en Eve to "multiply"... i bet for the WT convinience now Jesus saying trump Jehovah's
Band on the Run
I was told I could date anyone I wanted to as long as he wasin't a Bethelite.
I don't think they were worse than anyone else. My mom's generation expected them to be gender neutral. Any sexuality was bad.
Wow. that Jesus not commanding people to have children. What was he doing at Cana, if not celebrating a wedding in high style. His first miracle involved marriage. Marriage involved children.