and if you live with them, you can carry on in a somewhat "normal" relationship BUT IF THEY MOVE OUT, you must treat them like shit. Where does the Bible give that specific rule out??
Stupid Rule: "Necessary Business" Is Acceptable With Disfellowshipped Family Members....
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
Cultbollocks as usual, no scriptural basis.
What is even sillier is this: If you were raised a witness, but never got baptized (even though your parents put the screws to you big time to do so), there is no problem. You can live your life any way you choose, and you can still be invited over for dinner and socialize with your family normally. They can speak to you without it hurting their conscience. However, if you got dunked when you were even as young as nine or ten, and you are df'd, then you have to be treated like a leper (or worse).
Where does the Bible give that specific rule out??
I couldn't find anything. I knew it wasn't anything Jesus commanded. Sounds like it came from the "religion" of Paul. The JWs always quote the scripture, 1 Cor. 5: 11: "But now I am writing you to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man" (NWT).
In the 67th book of the bible of course: The gospel according to the Governing Body!
Of course not all of us read that particular book though because we believe it was written by apostates and could draw us away from Jesus Christ!
You can live your life any way you choose, and you can still be invited over for dinner and socialize with your family normally. They can speak to you without it hurting their conscience. However, if you got dunked when you were even as young as nine or ten, and you are df'd, then you have to be treated like a leper (or worse).
Yep. That is why they are trying to get young ones dunked even sooner (see recent WT where 10 yr old kid is pictured) Too many are escaping without the shunning consequences.
Once they have them baptized, they know it will be much harder on them and their parents if/when they leave as adults. This cult sucks.
journey-on - What is even sillier is this: If you were raised a witness, but never got baptized (even though your parents put the screws to you big time to do so), there is no problem. You can live your life any way you choose, and you can still be invited over for dinner and socialize with your family normally. They can speak to you without it hurting their conscience. However, if you got dunked when you were even as young as nine or ten, and you are df'd, then you have to be treated like a leper (or worse).
Just wait! I feel that the WTBTS will annouce a new light that you must not associate with the undunked as they annouced the new light that you cannot associated with DA'ed JWs in the early 1980's after Raymond Franz DA'ed himself. Who knows, maybe a WTBTS archeological team will uncover scrolls buried deep inside Bethel that they will annouce is the 67th book of the Bible and will clarify the WTBTS doctrines. LOL It is only a matter of time.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you know,
This was always weird to me, even as a kid. Just a weird cult.
Just necessary business like getting your due rendered(sex) with your disfellowshipped or disassociated wife or husband. Also you can use their money, have them raise your kids, cook, and clean for you.
The witlesses are full of stupid rules. They are going beyond the scriptures--I don't think Jesus instructed people to bust up families just because one member no longer believes that version of the religion, someone saw something a bit more clearly than the others in the family, or because they got baptized too early and couldn't fulfill the commitment.