It is clear to me that the Watchtower is a mix of official daily and official organ. What gets published there is not only the "truth", but also the law. What is the Awake! supposed to be, then?
What is Awake! supposed to be good for?
by dgp 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
The equivalence of a college education.
Readers Digest for dummies.
Black Sheep
Sleight of hand. It's to make Dubs look harmless and normal
From the horses mouth .....
*** km 3/05 p. 1 pars. 1-9 More Emphasis on the Bible! ***
1 On October 1, 1919, the first issue of the magazine The Golden Age was published. It proved to be a most valuable tool in the preaching work. Why? Because it was specially designed for the public. That was not the case with The Watchtower, which for many years was viewed as a magazine largely for the "little flock." (Luke 12:32) Kingdom publishers responded with such enthusiasm to the new publication that for many years the circulation of The Golden Age was far in excess of that of The Watchtower.
2 The magazine The Golden Age was published to show people that the real solution to mankind's problems is Christ's Millennial Reign, which will truly usher in a golden age for humankind. In succeeding decades a number of adjustments were made to The Golden Age to meet the changing needs of the times. In 1937 its name was changed to Consolation. In 1946 it became Awake!, the name we know it by today.
3 From its beginning, this magazine has contributed mightily to the great witness that has been given since 1919. (Matt. 24:14) However, in view of the urgency of our times, it seems wise to make further adjustments to Awake!
4 Millions of people enjoy reading Awake! because it covers a wide variety of secular topics in an appealing way. No doubt the majority of those who attend the Memorial each year are regular readers of Awake! Still, if anyone hopes to be concealed in "the day of Jehovah's anger," he will need help to do more than be a regular reader of our publications.-Zeph. 2:3; Rev. 14:6, 7.
5 Hence, from January 2006, Awake! will place greater emphasis on God's Kingdom. It will encourage readers more straightforwardly to look to the Bible for the solutions to their problems and will highlight more prominently the Bible's explanation of current events. In this way, readers will get a better understanding of current events and perhaps be moved by what they read to learn more about Jehovah.-Zech. 8:23.
6 Awake! will continue to feature topics of general interest. However, more emphasis will be laid on the Bible. (1 Thess. 2:13) Since The Watchtower contains deep Biblical information and Awake! will feature more material that is Scriptural in nature, it does not seem necessary to continue publishing Awake! twice a month. Therefore, beginning with its January 2006 issue, Awake! will be published as a monthly magazine. This will result in considerable simplification in the preparation, translation, and shipping of our literature.
7 This change will affect about 40 percent of the languages in which Awake! is published. In most languages, Awake! is already a monthly or a quarterly publication. There will be no change in the publication of The Watchtower.
8 Publishers may offer each month's Awake! with either issue of The Watchtower for that month. Those who feature Awake! will be able to use the same issue all through the month without having to change their presentation in the middle of the month, as at present.
9 Since its first issue back in 1919, the magazine successively known as The Golden Age, Consolation, and now Awake! has played a major role in the preaching work. We pray that Jehovah will continue to bless the distribution of the magazine in its revised format and that it will help many more people out of "all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues" to turn to God's Kingdom as their only hope.-Rev. 7:9.
um, toilet paper? lining for a bird or hampster cage?
I understand that they don't really burn all that well so probably nothing. A little coarse for toilet paper or tissue paper.
Thank you, guys.
Awake = The public face of the organization.
Watchtower Study Edition = The true face of the organization (insert Phantom of the Opera theme)