"The flaw in this reasoning is that God is billions of years old and he created all things- certainly he can manipulate atoms and sub-atomic particles to make what he wants happen. If YOU could control matter and energy on this scale, would it really be that hard for you to make the sun stand still? Or extend the light for that day and make it appear that the sun stood still?..."
Okay, first of all, what Smiddy said...
The Israelites had the same basic belief as did many other Near-Eastern and Middle-Eastern cultures - that the earth was round, but flat - like a clay plate, in other words...
One can see that in the totally inaccurate description of how this 'miracle' was supposed to have occurred:
Joshua 10: 12-14
"On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to the Israeltes, Joshua spoke to the Lord in the presence of Israel:
"Sun, stand still over Gibeon,
and moon, over the valley of Aijalon."
And the sun stood still
and the moon stopped
until the nation took vengeance on its enemies.
Isn't this written in the Book of Jashar?
So the sun stopped
in the middle of the sky
and delayed its stting
almost a full day.
There has been no day like it before or since, when the Lord listened to the voice of a man, bcause the Lord fought for Israel. ..."
"So the sun stopped in the middle of the sky..."
Now, this is very close to the belief of the Greeks - and many other ancient peoples - that the sun made a "journey" across the sky, each day. Though the Israelites didn't attribute this to a separate deity - there's that nasty First of the Ten Commandments: "Do not have other gods beside me..."- they clearly still believed that the sun was journeying across the sky...
Did you also notice something else, about the WAY that Joshua "spoke" to the "Lord"??
"Sun, stand still over Gibeon,
and moon, over the valley of Aijalon..."
He's not actually speaking to "The Lord". He's speaking TO THE SUN AND MOON.
Which may be a vestige of earlier, 'pagan' versions of this story, wherein a 'hero' speaks to the sun and moon...
ALSO - did you notice that his words are spoken like a magical charm or spell???
He didn't HAVE to speak to the moon - UNLESS he was attempting some version of astrological BALANCING 'magic', wherein the MOON had to balance the actions of the SUN...
Yeeeessss indeedy, this is a VERY interesting bit of bible lore...
Zid the She-Devil