Part 16: The Radio Interview in Portland

by Amazing 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Amazing

    Part 16: The Radio Interview in Portland

    Results from my Letter to the Editor: I felt that since I had written to the Watch Tower Legal Dept. and nothing happened, that likely nothing would happen. Yeah, right . When my Letter in response to Brother K appeared in the local newspaper, it must have been on one of those cosmic days – when JWs come out of their caves to all see what is going on in the world around them. My Letter, though carefully phrased, was taken as an act of apostasy. I learned through informed sources that several JWs went to the Elders to demand that something be done about me.

    Elder G fielded the inquiries by telling the JWs that they would do something about me, but I keep on threatening to sue them and the Society. This was a lie. I only made one threat against the local Elders in my letter to the Society, and that threat was only conditioned upon any harm suffered by my wife. It was now clear to me though that the Society was concerned about letter and had notified the local Elders ... this explained the two DO visits and the special representative moving into the territory. The Society said nothing to me ... so their concern must only have been about the potential for apostasy. Elder G’s response suggested to me that the Society must have told the Elders to leave me alone – at least for now.

    I charge forth in Counter-Cult Ministry: I started writing articles for a Counter-Cult Ministry. They were focused on Mormons, and wanted an ex-JW who could shore up their lack of expertise. Here I am Lord! Send me! I should have had my head examined! I started a training manual for a class in how to talk to JWs because I found average Christians sorely lacking in understanding even the fundamentals of what they are dealing with when conversing with a JW. They wanted “”simple magical Bible verses”” that would shine forth light into the JW heart and save them. Ha! No such luck! As loving, kind, and understanding as many Christians can be, they can also be very inept dealing with cults – especially the JWs.

    My manual turns into a book: Okay, okay, I know ... I write a lot and this has been a long series. I can’t help it ... my mind just keeps thinking of things to say, and each new point stimulates new points. So, the ten-page manual turns into a 300 page Copyright, with all the trimmings. A publishing house I contacted wrote back and expressed interest in it.

    I am driving to Portland for the Interview: I now lived about 300 miles away from Portland in Washington State. I rented an apartment near my work, and became a resident. My family remained in Oregon. Months had passed by and no word from the Society, the local Elders, and I am feeling that maybe, just maybe I pulled it all off – I got to eat my cake and have it too. Now, I am about to go on the air with a very popular Radio Station.

    I began thinking about the last several months and what led up to this point. Among the many things that went on was my low profile activity to help those studying with the JWs. One woman was advised to contact me because the JW women studying with her were not answering her questions, and she wanted some critical information before agreeing to get baptized. I provided copies of Crisis and In Search and held many phone conversations with her. She agreed to keep my name confidential. But the local JWs and Elders suspected me. This was a throne in their side, but they could do nothing about it, and worse yet for them, they could not take action against me. For the first time -–I was not living between tow worlds, but I was living the best of both worlds.

    There were other similar events where I was asked to help parents whose children were studying with the JWs. Because I lived out of state, this made it most difficult for the Elders to pin me down or prove anything. One time I was talking to a JW from my apartment in Washington State. He had been telling lies about me, and I called to confront him. He evidently heard my TV going, with WGN-Chicago tuned in ... so he concluded that I had moved to Chicago, and this is what the Elders eventually began telling some of the JWs in the area.

    It all seemed sad and humorous ... good and yet a waste. Then I recalled how I was with my family in Southwest Washington State, not far from Longview, attending Jesus NorthWest, a Christian festival that resembles a State Fair. Concerts. Revival talks. Rides for the children. Fun booths to win prizes. Lots of food stands. And of course display booths. I love to walk through these booths and see what the latest propaganda is ... and being free of the JWs, this seemed even more intriguing.

    Then, at one booth was a Portland radio station. We talked, and I left my business card. And took some of their freebie materials and tokens. The person operating the booth then tells someone on their staff that they ran into a JW who is about to publish a book. All I did was have a discussion at the booth, and we exchanged business cards ... I never expected this to go anywhere ... but now ...

    Phone Rings: “Mr. Amazing, this is Georgine Rice at KPDQ Christian Radio Station in Portland, Oregon. How are you today?” KPDQ was the premier religious station in the area at the time. (I have heard rumors they were bought out, but I don’t know.) They provided public service as well as their target market among Christians in the metropolitan area. Part of their programming was Talk Radio ... and they hosted a number of guests ... the topics ranged from understanding cults to Christian living and other issues Christians face and struggle with in daily living. Georgine asks, “We would like a copy of your book, and also to discuss scheduling you for a 1 hour program. Would you be interested?”

    I sent a copy of my 300+ page manual in to her. I did not hear back for weeks, and presumed that she had lost interest. I didn’t blame her. I had finally come to appreciate that JWs are just a “”blip”” on the screen in the Christian world, and that we see them as larger than life – but the rest of Society sees them as something rather insignificant.

    Phone rings at work: Hello Mr. Amazing. This Georgine Rice from KPDQ. I completed reading your book. It is great! We have a slot open in the middle of May. Would you come onto our program for an interview? We will discuss your JW experiences, what led you into and then out of the religion ... and your book highlights.”

    “Sure. Do you need me there a day or two ahead of time for any kind of rehearsal or anything.” --- Georgine says. “No, just show up a little bit before 10:00 AM. You seem to know your material, and interviews come across best when they are natural and spontaneous.” --- I Ask, “Any trick questions or ambushes?” --- “Georgine say no trick questions. No need to give me questions in advance wither. Just be yourself and she will ask questions that I can easily answer.” --- Cool! This sounded easy, but I was nervous because as a JW, I was always into rehearsal and repeated preparation. Now, I was going to have to do this natural. Be myself. And let the chips fall where they may. Okay. What harm could come of that?

    I am on Interstate 84, and see the City Limit sign - Portland. In about 20 minutes I would arrive at the station. I was very early. It was a Friday, and I got of work that day for a longer weekend. Am I really going to do this? I never dreamed in a million years that I would leave the JWs, and now, here I am in full-blown apostasy about to go on the air ... and help people understand how they can get through to the JW armor and convert them away from the Society. Is that active apostasy – or what?

    As I approached the final turn to the street leading to KPDQ, I began to feel uneasy. I had listened to Georgine Rice many times on the Radio since leaving the JWs. She has one of those perfect radio voices, a sharp mind, and she makes listening fun. I had never heard her nail anyone harshly or back them into a corner. But, my JW paranoia came back to me – could this turn out badly? What if I say something that is taken as libel, and I get sued. What if a JW calls into the program and a big fight breaks out? Is this what I should really be doing? – These are fine questions, but why do I wait until the last minute to ask them?

    At the Station: I pull into the parking lot. It is a nice day ... sunny ... that kind of good-feeling day where everything seems to feel just right – and so all my fears subside. I walk into the station, my book in hand ... and sit in the lobby. The receptionist let’s me know that Georgine is on the air and will be out to see me in a few minutes. She points out Georgine in the studio room. I watch her with the head-set talking – but I can’t hear. She is a very attractive African-American woman ... but you would not have guessed it by her accent.

    I sit again, and after a while, look up and see an empty studio. It is about 15 minutes before her show with me. I don’t see her anywhere. Soon 10 minutes before show time. She comes out and says we will be going in the studio in a minute. I feel relieved because I want a few minutes ahead of time for any coaching about commercial breaks, etc. I wait. And soon, it is 2 minutes before air-time by their clock. Yikes!

    Hi – Georgine says to me – it’s time: We walk in and I take a seat at a conference table at right angles to her. I ask if there is anything I need to know. She says that she will cut me off for commercials, so there is nothing I need to worry about. A man comes out of a room with a big window next to the studio room. I look in and see all kinds of electronic equipment – like something from Star Trek. Then man places a head set on me that has a little Microphone bending around on an arm in front of my mouth. They plug in the Mic/headset into a little panel on the edge of the table.

    3 ... 2 ... 1 ... On the Air: “Good morning, this is Georgine Rice. We have with us today Amazing, a former Jehovah’s Witness.” ... my mind is swimming in disbelief at what I am about to do ... We exchanges cordial comments ... she introduces my book and what the program is about ... how to talk to JWs at your door... or on the job ... and then we go to a commercial spot.

    We are back on the air. She asks me to talk about why I became a JW. What led to my leaving the religion, and then we eventually get into my book. The two key points discussed was why my book differed from others – that is – why I steered away from much about doctrine, like the Trinity and instead focused in on style – how to talk to JWs. And then the style itself of how to reach the mind of a JW.

    I explained that JW doctrine is pretty much the marketing package – subject to change at anytime. The core of the problem is that their claim is to worship Jehovah, but their real focus is on organization. A Christian needs to understand that there are no magical Bible verses to convert JWs to Christ ... rather getting them to see the need to shift away from organization.

    We then discussed the recommended style of not directly attacking the JWs a Christian may contact. Rather us a ‘third party’ like the Mormons or some similar organization to target attacks so the JW can see this with a more open mind or independent view ... and that later on the JW may begin to make the connection in a less threatening review of his or her own thoughts. There were many other aspects of this discussed ... but, I leave it to my book to explain the rest.

    The program passes by very fast ... even the several commercial breaks went fast. Finally, Georgine is thanking me for being on the program ... and inviting me back when my book is finally published. She introduces the next program, and signs off of her segment. It was done ... I had actually been on the air ... I wondered if any JWs listened ... though unlikely, maybe one or two did ... and I wondered what they must be thinking.

    After the Program:As soon as the studio room sign went out, Georgine asked me to stay seated. She said she had some additional comments for me. She left the room a minute and then returned. She said that the reason my book was so helpful to her is that she has a relative who is a JW ... and felt that my material was most useful ... she strongly encouraged me to get it published. She then told me that I have an excellent radio voice and should consider a career in that industry, and said I could use her as a reference. I held her in high respect, so this compliment meant a lot. She made a few minor editorial comments about the book ... but, otherwise told me it was great.

    Drive home: As I left the studio, I was handed a audio taped copy of the program. This was great, because I now had a record of something that felt so good and right to do. I drove home to see the family. This would be a longer weekend, so I was looking forward to hearing what the family thought as they listened to the program ... or learn if any local JWs might by chance have heard and called my house to raise hell.

    The day was so beautiful ... and everything at that time of year around Portland was so green and fresh ... temperatures are mild ... and it is like paradise. More than this, I was now at my peak as an ex-JW ... free from the religion, and enjoying life as never before. Somehow, the earth seemed more like a paradise then than at anytime before in my life ... and I began another paradigm shift to understanding how God must want us to enjoy life now, and not wait around for some mystical future Kingdom Paradise ... No, the Kingdom of God is within us now.

    I arrive home: The family also taped the program and they loved it. No calls from local JWs ... so at least all was quiet. We prognosticated the program for a while, listening to parts of it again ... to see how I sounded on the air. It came across better than I realized at the studio. I was feeling great ... not so much because of the program itself ... but because I felt like we had really escaped the gravity of the Watch Tower Empire – we really pulled it off ... they are leaving us alone ... we are leaving them alone – sort of – and we still have those JW contacts we want. Brother L and I are still corresponding and talking on the phone ... we are living life as we want ... on our terms ... and the JW system didn’t take any action. Ahhhh ... but a fleeting moment of happiness before ...

    The Yellow Ticket: Then, my wife hands me a little yellow paper ... it’s from the post office. A Certified Letter is waiting for me. We had to go to the store anyway ... so I stop by the post office. I ask for the Certified Letter ... it is from the Law Office of Perri Massoni (fictitious) in New York. Hummmm what would a New York Lawyer want with little ole’ me? I get this sinking feeling that this is something more than an advertising gimmick from Publisher’s Clearing House ... so I hand the letter back to the Postmaster and tell him that I need to check on something before I agree to accept the Letter.

    This was going to prove to be another strange and most difficult story ... the worst emotionally ... and I eventually find out who the real source of the letter is. ... Part 17: The Watch Tower Writes Back ... To be continued ...

  • TR


    Is it possible for me to get a copy of that tape? Or could it be posted on-line as an audio clip?


    I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way.
    --Robert Frost, 1935

  • Celia

    Is the book you're talking about published ?
    What's the title ?
    Where can I get it ?

  • slipnslidemaster

    I'd like to listen to it also. I bet you came across in typical JW polished speaking fashion.

    I will always be greatful to the borg for making me a fine public speaker.

    Slipnslidemaster:"Baywatch has enriched and, in many cases, helped save lives. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to continue with a project which has has such a significance for so many."
    - David Hasselhoff

  • ashitaka

    again, totally awesome...the RADIO! Coolness.

    I felt my anger stir a bit when you mentioned lawyers...


  • Simon

    I'd love to hear it too and could host it for others to listen to if that's ok ?

  • 4horsemen

    Amazing mentioned "full blown apostasy"

    Isn't it amazing(pun intended) that this mind control of WTS is so subtle and complete that even after our exodus and we relay or review our own unique experience as a JW we label ourselves or are labelled by others apostate.


    Nice work Amazing. The Watchtower Writes Back? Is this when Darth Vader played by Ray Franz tells you his is your father? :) I think you have a movie trilogy on your hands Amazing.

  • Amazing

    Hey 4Horseman: yes, Ray Franz would be fine! My greatest fear is to take off Darth Vader's helmut to discover Joseph Rutherford.

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    Amazing! I have you in my mind today at Church. I pray for you and I ask God to keep you going in this journey and for you to end this book with a great climax, (Epilogue). I mean, when you decide to publish this 'amazing' posts we are all reading this days. Know that I am so late on your previous posts, (I didn't know about you), so I am trying to catch up with them all... It is a shame that some people tend to see you as arrogant when you are such a good leader chosen by God. Of course the organization choose you for an Elder... so it would have had happended the same in any other place or Church. God gave yu the talents... you are only using them for His people. Keep it up, and please, don't leave this forum... I already feel like an orphane if you do.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Totally enjoying your writing. I have to agree with someone on the board who earlier mentioned how the Society can try to make you feel guilty by making the "Apostate" label stick. I think turn-abouts-fair-play .... Since I'm not a JW or Ex-JW, I think it would be fair for you guys to say that they're an APOSTATE Church.... and if you're an Apostate from and Apostate Church, that makes you genuine, real and true.

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