I asked him how could it be the true religion with all the numerous doctrinal changes. This is how he replied to me in an email:
" Another thing mentioned was the apostles (Known as the governing body)
arguing whether or not circumcision is necessary since the gentiles up to
this time were not accepted into the christian congregation. It wasn't until
the majority of the jews rejected Christ that the Gentiles were FINALLY
allowed to join. (rejecting the Gentiles was also a problem in the
congregation since the Christian jews thought that they were superior to the
Gentiles ) Christs apostles were all jewish. However, when the gentiles were
allowed to become Christians, there was confusion (Confusion among the 11
apostles, Paul and the elders in Christs time) as to whether the non Jews
needed to be circumcised like the Jewish Christians already were. Some
APOSTLES believed that they should be, whereas other APOSTLES thought they
should not. You need to read verses 19-20, 21, 24-30 to get an idea of their
determination on what was really important and whether circumcision needed
to be enforced. Remember, these were the Apostles that followed Christ and
they were divided on this issue in this Chapter in Acts 15.
To me, if anything was to stumble me out of the christian religion is how
these apostles that knew Christ and spoke and walked with him would not know
the answer to something as simple as this. Also another thing that is
confusing is that for 4000 years, non jews had no opportunity to be god's
covenant people since God made this covenant exclusive to the jewish nation.
Why would this exclusive oppotunity change later? As in bible times and when
certain understandings today come to light, certainly things do change
(Can't eat shell fish, pigs, jewish nation exclusive nation God dealt with,
no mention of Heaven in the old testament, animal sacrifices etc etc,,,,,)
yet all these things changed when Jesus came. Certainly one could reason
since these apostles changed their mind that everyone needed to be
circumcised and the whole circumcision issue that they couldn't be the
true religion could they? They did walk with Christ did they not yet still
did not know the circumcision issue? If changing thinking on certain
doctrinal issues is a turn off for you, then Christianity as a whole then
should be a turn off since the early Apostles changed their thinking not
only about the circumcision issue but also on whether the gentiles were
worthy of being Christians also."
I haven't had time to look at the verses and context, but I wanted to post this to get everyone's thoughts and possible rebuttals. I just found out that this guy has been a JW for 5 years (his wife was raised on JW), and he said he will be open to look at the controversial issues I had brought up to him (UN, blood issue, silentlambs, etc.) I'm pretty pumped up about that, but before I get into any of that stuff in detail with him, I'd like to have a nice response to his email.
Thanks in advance everyone!