The last meeting my son ever attended was the one where my DF'ing was announced. He was 9 years old, everyone in the hall was crying - my daughter was asking out loud - "Why are they talking about daddy?" and the presiding overseer came up to my son after the meeting - put his hand on his shoulder, and said "Now matter what happens with your dad, your heavenly father Jehovah will never leave you"
My son walked out to his mother's car, got in, called me from his cell-phone, and never went to another meeting. He's going to be 14 in January and still refuses to go.
Newcomer1982, GET YOUR SON AWAY FROM THOSE PEOPLE! Do anything you can to build as strong a relationship and form as tight a bond as you can for his sake. Most importantly, be as disruptive an influence on his spirituality as you can - PM me if you want some tips or want to kind of know what you might be in for down the road.