Okay ,, this is a question and a confession. We have had an issue come to a head in this household of mine. After getting to the bottom of my parners intentions I have given her an ultimatum knowing all too well she will choose the JWs over myself and family. Any document signed giving the JWs power of attorney over blood tranfusion and my wifes life is undermining my authority and respect as a husband. You know the score " I don't want to risk loosing my place in eternity" ...yep that was the whole truth. That is what her reply was and is standing defiant. I have had enough of it all and to be honest want to be rid of the whole thing.
We have a 6 year old boy who I must admit am very protective over , especially when it comes to this idiocy. I told her I would rather burn in hell for an eternity ( which I don't believe in) , just to see my son have a good chance at life. The whole eternity stuff you have to earn is rubbish I can see that. If Jesus wanted people to die because of a stupid rule made up by a bunch of retards in New York he would have said so..We discussed what Jesus might think of it all and she just pulled up the WT stance and not her own thoughts..
Anyway her bible study teacher and her daughter are here at the moment which is unual as they usually come on a Tuesday or Wednesday. I asked them not to come back after today....Will they honour this even if my partner says its okay for them to come around???
I am now looking into now, before I declare it's over, to see if I can get custody of my boy. I want to show the courts possibly that she is not fit to be a mother...Yes really it has got that bad. The other option is not to say anything, let it all blow over ...which it is not going to do...any objection just makes them more resolute to resist.