How many other religions have at one time or another tried to predict the end, even once, and were wrong? The Washtowel came out of a heated argument about the end date, which started in the 1830s in the Wild West. Someone decided to settle it once and for all time, putting the end date in 1874. That happened in 1872. Did the end come in 1874? What happened when 1875 came and nothing happened? Did they apologize and admit they were totally off on predicting the end, or did they simply move the end date to a later year?
And, how many times did they try that crap? The end always seems about a year or so off--that same year or so that it has been off since 1874. Do you actually think this time is different?
And even if it was right, I already looked at all possibilities. Whether the religion was true or not, I concluded that I would still be better off without it. And the worst was the religion being right and I stay in--life without fulfillment is far worse than getting destroyed. If you still want to dream about something grand, try buying a few ounces of silver (or more if you can afford it) and dream of seeing its price go to the moon.