My day so far....

by safe4kids 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • safe4kids

    Flying down the interstate, on my way to class (late again!) when I notice this strange smell in my van...gets worse the closer I get to school. So I turn around and head BACK down the interstate towards home, knowing that something is WRONG (I'm smart that way). Almost to my exit, and the cab of my van starts filling up with steam!!! I mean, it's just boiling up from the dash and through the vents.

    So, I'm thinking, maybe I should pull over. (Told ya I was smart). So...thank the universe for AAA, I wait for the tow truck and am rewarded by being picked up by a really cute guy! Woohoo. Get to the automotive place, and they take me right in! Not good news tho...they think it's the combustible debobulator on the whachamacallit and it'll take a month to fix and cost $85,00000000000. That's ok tho, coz I have a credit card!

    Call the car rental place...they'll come pick me up! BUT...all they have is a truck, they say. Sok, I'm starving and I need transportation. BUT!! When I get there, they say...hey, we just got a convertible in if you're interested AND we'll give you a lower rate than on the truck! Now, with my ability to rapidly calculate complicated financial thingees, I say...HELL YEAH!!!!

    So, my rotten morning turned out not all bad. I've never driven a convertible before and it only took me 35 tries to get the top down (hey, how was I supposed to know it won't work when tooling down the hiway at 85??!) So now I'm home..who cares if my hair is snarled and my lips are blue from the cold?? And really, fingertips are overrated and, imo, unnecessary parts of my anatomy.

    Sigh...I have to take it back tomorrow and return to my frumpy ol' mom image. But for today....I believe I can fly!!! It's my Valentine's Day present to myself!


  • peaceloveharmony

    hehe dana, glad you are looking at the bright side of the situation! :):)

  • Julie

    LOL What a morning! Well, just remember this, as king/queen we must find the good in every situation. Looks like you are pretty qualified in that respect. Glad it turned out reasonably well in the end.


  • Doc_jedd

    ...Seriously it sounds like your heater core has sprung a leak..............the combusttible debobulator units seldom ever fail not unless they slip away from the gasket seating of the whachamacallit,then of course yer in deep sh*t

  • outnfree


    Fly away, baby!!!

    Enjoy the cool.


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • Angharad

    Sorry Safe been there, cars are a pain when they go wrong.

    Have fun with the convertible while you have it

  • safe4kids

    Ohhhhhhh, gee...there's nothing in the house for lunch Guess I'll just have to DRIVE somewhere!!!! Woooohoooooooooooooo...catch y'all later!!


    Edited to add: ROFLMAO @Doc!! It is the heater thingee, after all. And it'll be ready by tomorrow

  • zev

    hey dana...
    ya mean a heater core?
    sounds like it.

    aaa is great. i have it. its worth it if you only use it once.

    sorry to hear about your woes.

    at least you got "picked up"

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  • betweenworlds


    You know how to take lemons and turn 'em into lemonade! What a great attitude you have Dana. The world sure could use more people with your outlook! ((hugs)) Glad you had fun with the convertable and are safe and sound.


    Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity. Lord Acton 1834-1902

  • think41self

    Hahaha Dana,

    I'm glad after talking to you first thing this morning that your day went better than it started! Did you get the cute guys phone #?

    Can you keep the convertible for this weekend when I get there?


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