What I noticed is his emphasis on the social aspect of the KH, how good they make him feel (not God, not Jesus) He is lonely ... it reminds me of one of my sisters her only emphasis is what she is going to wear to the next meeting, the next babyshower, the next wedding, etc. her life is so shallow, empty, really!
R.I.P George
by fade_away 42 Replies latest jw friends
Good luck Mis/George, may you find happiness and fulfillment one day.
Good luck Mis/George, may you find happiness and fulfillment one day.
I doubt he'll be hailed from the platform as a brother who has come to his senses and no longer sups with apostates. If he has returned, and actually confessed his 'transgressions' he'll learn pretty quickly that the Watchtower seldom, if ever, parades reformed apostates to the rank and file. He'll learn that apostasy is treated the same way a jealous wife treats her wandering but subsequently repentant husband: She'll never get over his unfaithfulness and will feel obliged to remind him from time to time of his unfaithfulness and in myriad other subtle and not so subtle ways drench him in periodic resentment.
George will learn sooner or later that the love bombing explodes with splinters in myriad distasteful ways and finally decide to develop a spine and stand up for what he really believes in instead of being side-swiped by "love".
George, I've got no room for you, til you develop a spine. Bye...
Miz is on the rollercoaster of indecision born of fear. He doesn't want to be JW, he doesn't want to be XJW. Trouble is, once your a JW . . . it's got to be one or the other . . . in or out.
The other problem he's got is that he knows full well it's bullshit . . . which means he's already XJW whether he likes it or not. To be JW means you're a "Jehovah's Witness" . . . if you don't believe it's the truth you're a "Jehovah's liar" . . . no longer JW . . . so you're XJW by default.
He just seems determined to ride this crazy rollercoaster to the end. Rollercoasters go from crests to valleys very quickly . . . right now he's on a crest . . . heading for another inevitable descent. I'm not sure how long a man can keep doing that and keep his marbles. It seems to have a manic nature to it . . . which is not a great sign.
Broken Promises
He's on a "crest" but at the same time he has to self-medicate on a mixture of alcohol and pills.
Hey BP . . . I've never been higher than when I'm self-medicating . . . doesn't that make sense?
Broken Promises
Yes, it makes sense.
But I think it's ironic that in order to help him feel better about himself and his life (and posting on an "apostate" board) he has to self-medicate, instead of enjoying the natural high he claimed to receive being around his congregation.
It calls into question if he really did enjoy himself as much as he claimed, if he had to add pills and liquor to the mix.
Maybe you get a free prescription when you board the rollercoaster . . . or maybe it's even compulsory?
He hasn't finished the ride yet . . . there's the big dipper to come.
Broken Promises
He hasn't finished the ride yet . . . there's the big dipper to come.
Unlike the Witnesses, we'll be here for him when he falls.