I have JW relatives who are getting on in years. The relationship is very strained - very little communication, and frankly I'm getting exasperated being the only one making any effort to maintain it.
Several years ago, when a non-JW relative passed away, it took several days before the custodian of the information (a JW) decided to send me an email to inform me - you read that correctly - I was informed, not over the phone, but via email. A couple of years go by, and in the meantime, a JW sibling has a baby, and again I learn that I was left uninformed about the pregnancy and the birth until well after the fact. When I found out about the baby, I had a major coniption fit - I blasted my sibling and the relative who was the custodian of the information and called them both out for being unloving hypocrites. I said "You claim that Witnesses are more loving than any other religions on the planet - well I have news for you! What you've done in withholding that information is not loving at all - it's deliberately hurtful, it's deliberately mean, it's deliberately hateful, it's deliberately rude and deliberately ignorant. I don't know any Catholic, or Jew, or Muslim, or Hindu or even any pagan who would treat family members the way you treat me! How do you expect me to ever want to go back to meetings, if this is your definition of love?" [Score 1 for righteous indignation!]
They both apologized. But, it didn't really change things, because about a year later a never-baptized sibling got married - and while we were invited to the wedding and the reception, both of these JW relatives decided that they didn't want Mr Scully and me to attend the gift-opening party the next day, that was hosted by the sibling's new spouse's family (who were never JWs), and they made sure that we didn't even know about the party until after the fact. I heard about it from another never-JW relative who wrote to tell me how disappointed they were to hear that we "weren't able to make it" apparently because of my work schedule. So the JW relatives made up a lie to tell the non-JW relatives, to cover up the lie-by-omission that was perpetrated on Mr Scully and me. What fine examples of Christian love these jackoffs are!!
Anyway, now that I've got all that out of my system, and having read noni1974's thread about not being informed of her grandfather's death, I will admit that on occasion (maybe once every couple of months) I Google the obituaries to see if any of my relatives have died that I haven't been told about yet. So far, I haven't found anything, but I kind of dread that one day I might and it will unleash a lot of harsh words of righteous indignation from me.
Please tell me that I'm not the only one who does this!! lol