Wt July 15, 2011 page 18 paragraph 15 "Meddlers in other people's affairs". It is not our right to tell others how to run their personal affairs'' Anybody here ever been told to do something/how to do something by an elder or other jw? In regards to job situation/family for example, with no direct scriptural backing..
by The Quiet One 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I had on an outfit with a tie and was told that's not allowed
Even though I was married it's wrong to read articles about improving one's sex life
I can't watch the Lion King because it features the heavenly hope. ( I argued the movie teaches the kings are in heaven like the 144,000)
I know a sister who felt anything with talking animals was wrong since Satan was the first to make an animal appear to talk
The whole sterilization thing made no sense even with the scriptures they used.
My personal favorite is If one's bible reading brings up too many questions just read the Psalms
The Quiet One
'Even though I was married it's wrong to read articles about improving one's sex life'- Seriously?! I find that one hard to believe. Unless the articles promoted oral sex.. but how would they know, unless Mrs elder subscribes to those magazines? And the Lion King definitely had a link to demonic things.. It must have, how else can you explain my nightmares of being chased by those hyenas.. (it's demons that cause bad dreams, you know)(!) Thanks for sharing. :)
My former devout JW friend was told not to associate with me shortly after we first met. According to my former friend, her spiritual father, an elder, said it out of concern and love for her. I do not know what the elder said, but I do know that the elder never met me and probably said it to my former friend because I am a 'Worldly' person.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
The Quiet One
'I know a sister who felt anything with talking animals was wrong since Satan was the first to make an animal appear to talk'- Really? Funny how a friend of mine told me that a bethel tour was shown Shrek as the movie in the coach on the way there. I guess that even the bethelites approve of satanic films now, it's a sign of how close we are to the end..
The Quiet One
Abiblestudent- I'm sorry to hear that. All worldly people are under Satans control, though, so what can you expect? (!)
jean-luc picard
discreet slave:
I had on an outfit with a tie and was told that's not allowed
One thing I loved, at the very end, was NOT going to the hall in a suit, but a jacket they told me I couldnt wear if I wanted to be " used" on the platform.
I was told that my hair style looked like a picture of Caesar. Therefore I needed to change it.
@ Jean luc picard I was a newbie an I was a sister it was a skirt suit that had a vest & tie
In regards to the sex article it was true the reason being it arouses passion. I said so, I'm married I can defuse any passions aroused with my husband.
I'm bi-racial & after I stopped straightening my hair a black pioneer sister said nappy hair is inappropriate for JW's.