As I have sunken to a new low in condescending posts (according to botchtowersociety, who truthfully IS an expert on all things bullshit), it did occur to me that discussions, debates, and mud slinging insult matches on this board often have a common root.
Let me put out there that I am NOT an atheist, nor an agnostic. Frankly, I respect your right to believe that god is a trinity. That he is Jesus. Allah. Diana Ross or Dolly Parton. Have at it.
That isn't harmful or divisive.
Where we ALL go wrong though is what the theological premise to discussions on the nature of god means in practical terms.
To argue the nature of god is to argue the unseen. YOUR impressions of god are finitely your own. Theological arguments for sure exist, and some are better than others.
Jehovah's Witnesses for example TOTALLY mis-represent the Trinity. They purposfully lie about the Trinity. There are many theological arguments on the Trinity that in no way match the one way street JW's would argue the Trinity. No wonder it insults Trinitarians, regardless of how superior or inferior their arguments might be.
But is that the point? Does the stronger theological argument better the stronger reality?
Let's use the Trinity as one example. Let's take a Trinitarian apologist of note, like Sulla (whom you can look up all of Sulla's posts and see the superior theological arguments he uses to support the trinity). If Sulla's theology is superior, what does that mean? What's next?
Do I have to worship Jesus? Do I have to accept that all good people go to heaven, and the bad go to hell? Do I have to worship with a particular denomination? Will that alienate or unite me with others who may differ in belief?
What's the point of having a "superior" theology on the matter of the nature of god if the reality of that belief doesn't positively effect our life now?
Here is where I have a problem, not just with the Trinity, but with Christianity. I don't worship Jesus, although I consider myself a disciple in the sense that I view him often as a "great teacher".
However, do I view Jesus as God? No. So there goes your trinity.
You see, Jesus was just a man, and there is no EVIDENCE (that's spelled E V I D E N C E) that Jesus is god. There is barely any evidence outside of the bible that a man named Jesus even existed. (although it is there for each person to decide)
In addition, I honestly, really do respect anyone's right to worship Jesus or think of him as part of a Trinity. We will certainly disagree, but maybe we would be better off not to talk about it too much.
Honestly, who gives a shit if you have a superior, theological argument on the existence of someone whom I consider to be a fictional character as god, though a real person as a man.
The reality that we all have to deal with in real life is awesome, and for those leaving JW's, it can be esp daunting. When I first left, I was VERY angry. Though I WANTED to be an atheist, deep down, I never was. I was just an angry agnostic for a time.
My beliefs though don't, and more importantly, SHOULDN'T matter to you.
Neither should any self righteous Trinitarians who insist that "superior" arguments exist for the Trinity, though they consistently fail to point to even one argument of note.
To argue theology is a nice hobby. But on an internet board devoted to all things JW, I hope not too much offense is taken when exiting JW's point out that, once again, the emperor truly is not wearing any clothes.