Just finished reading the segment on Setting Double Standards from In Search of Christian Freedom. Franz gives as an example what is probably the most wanton display of in-your-face hypocrisy.
Citing a brochure produced by the legal department designed to help Witness parents in child custody battles:
This can be used to show that they are normal. Try to have kids from local congregations who have been raised as Jehovah's Witnesses and, in the eyes of the presiding overseer, are spiritual but also enjoy the normal healthy things that young people do. They don't have to be competitive to enjoy sports. Be careful that they don't get the impression that they are in a demonstration at the circuit assembly, when they would show that the first things in life are service and going to the Kingdom Hall. Show hobbies, crafts, social activity, sports and especially plans for the future. Be careful they don't all say that they are going to be pioneers. Plans can be trade, getting married and having children, journalism, and all kinds of other things. Maybe you can show an interest in art and the theater. They must be clean, moral, honest, but with the interests that you would expect from other young people.
The footnote provided: "As to "having children," the Watchtower of March 1, 1988, pages 18-27, carried two articles on the subject and one need only read these to see the manner in which negative aspects are mephasized and married couples' abstaining from having children is promoted as evidence of their appreciation of the "limited time" remaining to finish the organization's "vital work"."
One other thing. Doesn't becoming a journalist require at LEAST a four year degree?
They absolutely know what they are up to. Instructions to hide what we really are so they won't see, and for the sake of personal advantage. (Did I just say "we" in that last sentence? Oy! I still have so much work to do.)