: I said, "Don't you teach that only JW's will survive." They said, "No, Jehovah reads hearts." My response was "I know for a fact the WT teaches that you have no chance of surviving if you aren't a JW.
In fact, YOU got it right. They are just lying about the doctrine and you got it right. The Fred Franz statement in the 1950's WT about 99.9% of all humanity being wiped out at Armageddon calculates precisely to the proportion of JWs to the population of this planet. It leaves NO room for non-JWs with "honest hearts."
Just what is an "honest heart", anyway? It's all bullshit. Do "honest hearts" protect pedophiles, join the UN, make false prophecies, operate in secrecy, hide documents, spy on people, hold secret star chamber hearings, lie about their past and deny their numerous mistakes?
I don't think so. Do not forget the monumental and idiotic early 1970's Assembly where the Mighty Watchtower Corporation made an absolute ass of themselves with that big talking and beating heart in an idiotic attempt to show that the heart was the seat of all human emotion. I remember it well. Years later, they calmly admitted what everyone knew anyway: the heart pumps blood, and that is all it does.
I wrote a piece about that. It's on Randy's site somewhere.
: 1. The JW organization is like Noah's ark, so you have to get into the ark to be spared.
In fact, even though Hebrews 11 stated that Noah was a preacher of righteousness, if you carefully read the Genesis account, NOWHERE did God ask Noah to warn anyone or preach a single word. In fact, God said everyone else was toast. God had NO faith in the redemption of anyone else: build that Ark. Save yourselves and your family. Period.
If the WTS prefers to believe in myths, the WTS simply needs to get its myths straight. It's bad enough to believe in shit, but to make up more shit about the shit, is dumb.