This is becoming frustrating. Well-meaning posts can raise people's hopes and then they are dashed. We can be cautiously optimistic. Jurisdiction in common law countries is the basic bedrock of law. Jurisdiction stems from fedual tenures. Land is crucial. In absence of land, modern law allows a person to do business in a place by the sheer volume of business for civil liability. The GB is not a war criminal in a land considered deranged by the rest of the planet. Idi Amin they are not.
Without opining about Australian law, chances are this case will fail. It is unclear to me what its goal is. I can see a court order demanding compliance with the law. The Witnesses will refuse. Australia comes out of the same tradition as England and the United States. European countries, such as France, and quasiEuropean countries, such as Russia, acknowledge that religion needs some restraints. Australia wilh have a high tolerance for respecting religions.
Most of the problem stems from the inevitable problem of lay people reading court filings and only understanding the immediate content. I used to be the chief offender. Words seem to be words. The concepts appear simple. There are many nuances in real life. In the U.S., corporate officials are very rarely jailed for corporate crimes. Fines on the corporation are the more likely remedy. If the plaintiff can have the WT assets in Australia fined, it will be a major step.Children stalked and attacked by pedophiles is an extremely compelling issue. Society has an overriding issue in protecting children, one that may trump Freedom of Religion claims, which are not absolute. Warren Jeffs is presently learning the limits of First Amendment has a shield.
The WT's corporate structures are not an accident. Every availables step will be taken to shield the WT from liability. Andrew Jackson had an aggressive policy of genocide against Native Americans. He blantantly broke treaties. The Supreme Court issued a direct order to him to comply iwth the treaties, legal obligations of the United States. He saw the Court as the enemy. Jackson remarked that he noted the order. He then said, "Let them enforce it." Courts do not have standing armies. Nixon could have refused to turn over the tapes.
When the WT or GB, or any combination thereof, is held criminally liable with meaningful sanctions, this thread should have a massive celebration.