I have an illness that causes oppressive fatigue/weakness , eye strain , so I have to read a few paragraphs at a time and use books on tape when possible. I would like to find ACIM on tape. I would then possibly be able to read it.
Since I no longer fear what I read can bring on demon attacks/ scar me for life/ remove my freewill -I just order and read whatever looks interesting. I am not under anyone's control and no longer fear religion b/c I know if I do not feel comfortable with what I am reading/hearing I can just click off or stop reading, leave the building. Religion will no longer holds me captive.
I mainly just believe in karma , which is similar to you reap what you so. I still pray to God or Heavenly Father and occ still call Him Jehovah.
Many people mock Shirley MacLaine but I enjoy her books. I really like the book she wrote regarding her pilgrimage to the Camino .
I think some of my interest in the metaphysical etc came from Barbara Streisand's move ' On a clear day you can see forever" I began to read about reincarnation. Movies like " What dreams may come" with Robin Williams also sparked interest in reincarnation.
The tarot cards depict "the fools journey" -from birth to death when our energy returns to the universe. Tarot is referred to as " the royal road to wisdom".
Jungian psychology refers to( among other things) the collective unconsciousness, whereas Cayce uses the term akashic records.
Robdar just gave me the name Eckinar and I found the URL and plan on reading the free download. They have a center near me so I may check this out.
I try to stay positive and not buy cards or books that delve into the dark entities and things that promote /hate violence/evil etc. I do not want to bring that influence into my home. I am not always positive/loving but I try very hard to not be too bitter,something I have to daily remind myself of. It is a struggle.
I try and use meditation and do the the kabbalah Cross often . I find it brings me a very peaceful feeling. Here is a link about this, there are many web sites that explain how to do it and what it means.
In short, I now listen and then decide if I am interested - instead of fearing the boogieman.