I was reading John's second letter before in my NLT bible and i came accross the scriptures used to back up the act of shunning former JW's. In my bible it reads totaly contrary to the way the JW's say, so i decided to get out the old NWT bible which gives exactly the same ideas. Here are some of my thoughts:
I think its interesting that John restates the need for true Christian love in v5 and v6 before he starts speaking about the main reason for his letter.
V7 gives us the context. John is warning against deceivers, who dont believe that Jesus is God's son and the saviour of mankind. The original greek word for deciever (planos) clearly refers to someone who is actively teaching that Jesus isn't God's son. It doesnt seem to mean those who passivly dont believe in Jesus. Hey, each to their own.
V9 logicaly continues, those pushing ahead of Jesus and not remaining in his teaching (i assume that being that he is the messiah) does not have God. V10 then says that to such ones we should not say a greeting to them. Again the greek word used (chairo) refers to wishing the person prosperity. I suppose John simply did not want Christians to encourage or wish such ones well in their task to decieve others, whilst at the same time showing love to them as reminded in v5 and v6.
I dont know if my thoughts are correct here, but if so, i see no real basis for the JW's practice of shunning former believers. In many cases, ex JW's certainly arent out to actively deceive others and therefore should not be so unlovingly shunned.
Can anyone correct me if im wrong. This is quite an interesting and important set of scriptures in the bible.
Timmy xxx