The Bible. You can hit me, if you want to.
SERIOUSLY is there one JW publication that you thought was good?
by TimothyT 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Chemical Emotions
None. Greatest Man didn't completely suck. Mankind's Search wasn't as horrible as one would imagine. But I liked none of them. Several gave me nightmares, some were offensive, some were just dumb and boring. Although the MS one gave some good public speaking pointers.
Thanks for your comments everbody... this is quite interesting to see which books were popular!
Slidin Fast
Well, I thought the old TMS Guide book was brilliant as a hand book for those needing to become public speakers. I have often thought of stripping out the bible references and marketing it
as a teach yourself speaking/presenting manual. The replacement is overblown and is not a patch on the old "guide book". If there is one thing you mature students now seeking higher education
can thank dub-land for it is the ability to speak to an audience without soiling your underwear.
Slidin Fast
Sorry Quendi I should have read the thread better. On a commercial note, when the "Truth" book came out I got a carton at the assembly. You couldn't get them for love or money. I used to fish a few more out every day and come back with cash. I called it "blue gold".
Commentary on James. I have kept it b/c it is a pleasant read.
Bungi Bill
I am now ashamed to admit to this, but once I thought Is the Bible Really the Word of God to be a very good book (until I learned otherwise!)