News 88 New York reported this morning somebody named Larry McKelvey, did not stand for national anthem; 3 guys tried to rough him up and he blasted them with stun gun at Sunday's jets-Cowboys game.
JW Blasts Three Guys With Stun Gun Sunday At Jets-Cowboys Game
by Room 215 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
LOL. What happened to "turn the other cheek"?
I can't look....HE'S GOT A BEARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I imagine whent he blokes came up to him he said: 'Meet my friend Charles TAZER Russell!!'
I thought standing respectfully without singing was acceptable? And what the hell was he doing with a stun? . . . expecting trouble?
It's hard to sympathise really . . . that's asking for trouble.
ED: Just read the article (thanks Room 215) . . . the guy's an arsehole.
Wasanelder Once
Gotta hand it to him, he came to a drunken baseball fight with a tazer. I guess this makes him a terrorist? He's doing wonders for the JW reputation on this one.
"I thought standing respectfully without singing was acceptable?"
I always understood when I was in school that standing respectfully was only allowed for the pledge of allegiance.
For the national anthem we were required to stay seated. Unless of course you were smart enough to already be standing somewhere before the anthem started. You could remain standing if you already were.
Aussie Oz
Claimed JW i would say...
Pams girl
Whats he doing at a game in the first place??
Doesnt he know Armaggedon is right around the corner!!!! He should be out spreading the "good" news !!!! Time waster.
average joe
This guy has a beard = not a witness
did not stand for pledge= not a witness
did not remain quiet for pledge=not a witness
ignored complaints from others= not a witness
initiated an attack on a crowd of people= not a witness
I am not drinking the kool aid. With that beard hes probably a pastor of some church but not a witness.