NVR2L8 - Typical!! All the best food ruined by the rumour mongers in the bOrg! Is there nothing they don't want to ruin, food, the Bible...PEOPLES LIVES!!
Outlaw - Yes. I remember the congo overseer got a rude letter from one manufacturer for being impertinent about their product. How happifying! PS. Now you mention it a Sister asked me if it was ok to eat blood oranges. I was very surprised..............looking back I don't know why I was surprised, she'd had her 'mind cleansed' by the WBT$!
BotR - Kosher food, halal, all safe. I agree 100% transparency enforced on the WTB$ would do them good! This would make those 7 paedo-protecting men and their suck ups TOTALLY responsible for their actions and words. That'd change things!
Ohiocowboy - Milk being banned is bizarre to the max. I don't do hotdogs, testicles aren't my favourite thing to eat.
FSP (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) - That reminds me of the Bro who was worried about feeding his fruit tree with blood. What a twot!
MrFreeze - At a fraction of the cost we'd hope!