Is it their door-to-door incessant preaching? Is it their view on blood? Is it that the religion itself is simply often misunderstood?
What Turns The Average "Worldly" Person Away From The Witnesses?
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
not being able to celebrate the holidays
Now that the JW shunning policy is getting known, even for family, most people find that repugnant. Not understandable to non-JWs at all.
For my mum, it was the idea of commitment which kept her away from the beginning.
I think Witnesses are just seen as super restrictive, somewhat bizarre fundamentalists. Beyond the Biblical literalism (which turns away a lot), the abjuring of holidays and birthdays is a biggie.
Critical thinking, reason and tolerance ;)
Spending 5 minutes with a JW..
JWs believe that everything is good or bad, they are always right (narcissistic), intolerant, change subjects to topics that they are comfortable talking about, cherry pick scriptures without reading all of the scriptures, lie, and appear to have two personas (i.e., authentic and cult personas).
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Low-Key Lysmith
My In-Laws have seen firsthand how the JWs have treated me. They give JWs hell whenever they come to their door.
blood issue is a big reason for many i know !