I have never been able to reconcile this:
Until 1935 or so all Watchtower followers claimed to be spirit anointed right? So, that means that all 'true' christians up to that point, including the first century congregation which we read about in the bible, and thereafter, were spirit anointed, right?
Well, here is where I struggle. Are we to really believe that the total number of so called 'anointed' up until today is not in excess of 144,000?
Does anybody know how many there were in 1935? My guess is that the true number was in excess of 144,000 so the gb had to invent a new destination for all these 'other' christians and, as a consequence, they were coerced into believing they were members of the 'other' sheep with an earthly hope. I understand that the door closed in 1935 teaching is abolished but nevertheless. Does anybody have a total figure for the number of 'anointed' during the history of the WT?
I bet that would tell a few truths! In fact, it would probably settle the argument once and for all time. Is there anyway we can work it out?
Please keep in mind that this number in 1935 does not include the first century christians and later ones for nearly 2,000 years. 144,000 does not sound like a lot to me. Especially when history confirms that christianity spread like wild fire.
It just doesn't stack up to me. Should I be surprised? A resounding NO.