maybe the watchtower hopes for some more "peace and security" to trigger the big A - and always telling people about the end of the world doesn't really make them feel all that secure?
Have you noticed that the Watchtower is not emphasizing how close the end is as much?
by stuckinamovement 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Listen friends I am reading a book right now called Til Eternity . If you have not read this yet I strongle suggest you do it puts the Triblation all out in order in layman terms so it is easier to understand. Let me tell you all something . In scripture it says that when Isreal became a nation was the generation scripture speaks of also in 1967 Isreal took land that belong to the Palestines. Those ywo events alone are scriptural and whats next ? Well guess what folks ? This coming October Isreal will be signing a peace treaty with other surrounding countries . Okay a Generation is 70 years according to scripture, Scrpitures say's that whe Isreal signs the false peace treaty then guess what is next ? Yes the anti-christ will be known as he will reveal himself.
We are in the last days, I am not a witness either, I am a Christian . I do not claim any religion I claim faith in Jesus Christ. If you have not been born again you may loose your opportunity to everlasting life .
a buddy of mine just got his hours cut to part time.
He used those words, and plus he used the "satan is testing him" line
I'll have to start paying attention to this, but frankly I thought the idea that the nearness of THE END is NOT being emphasised erroneous. I just scanned through the NOV 15th issue and observed the following thoughts:
" In view of the imminent end of the present system of things, as Jehovah’s servants we realize that this is no time to settle down in this dying world." NOV 15, 2011 pg 19, p10
"A fundamental reason why we as true Christians consider ourselves to be “aliens and temporary residents” in this world is our conviction that its days are numbered." NOV 15, 2011 pg 20 p 15
That's just one mag, and only 2 quotes, but I sure did not get that impression from the Dist Conv parts.
WTBS - "The Last Days are Numbered!"-(see footnote)
footnote: "Think of the highest number you can think of. Then add one."
STUCKINAMOVEMENT- Hey buddy, how are you ? WT society doesn't HAVE to emphasize it as much since they covered their bases with the " overlapping generation " theory . They bought an extra 100 years or so with that " new light " - so they think they have JW's by the short and curly now- you know ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
If it's true that Watchtower is not emphasizing how close the end is as much?.........
Could it be that as the Bethel heavies read this board they came across the thread or 32 pages by OBVES entitled "CLOSE TO THE END OF THE WORLD" which goes into detail about the 70 week of years and the prophetic significance of 607BC + 2520 = 1914.
All of this seems particularly timely right now considering the New Light at the Dist Conv on this prophecy.
But then take a closer look at OBVES's "CLOSE TO THE END" thread -----------(Did someone shout: How Close Is It??)
Of course, it's one that that OBVES was saying that NINE years ago.
WT was saying that 109 years ago!
Here are some quotes on this subject from 2011 Study Edition Watchtower ....
Every month ... the purpose of the magazine
It comforts people with the good news that God's Kingdom,
which is a real government in heaven, will soon bring an
end to all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise.Feb 2011
22. Why is it urgent that we seek God's approval
without delay?Soon the full benefits of that ransom payment
will accrue to those who gain God's
approval.The ungodly will soon be removed,
and lovers of righteousness will no
longer experience the distress caused by law defying
people and their evil deeds. (2 Pet. 2:7, 8)Jehovah, the Most High,
knows what is taking place and will soon deliver
lovers of righteousness.God's day of judgment "upon all those
dwelling upon the face of all the earth" is
imminent. (Luke 21:34, 35) There is no escaping
it.March 2011
In view of what some might consider
a delay, a Christian could lose his sense of
urgency and instead give priority to a comfortable
lifestyle.Such reminders are needed when
as a result of waiting over what seems to be
an extended period, people are at risk of losing
their sense of urgency.Keep in mind that Jehovah is awake and
will usher in his righteous new world right
on time. Knowing that should urge on those
of the Jeremiah class and help their dedicated
companions to keep awake to the increasing
urgency of their message.proving themselves ready for what Jehovah
will soon do.Ask yourself: ‘Does my life truly reflect
the urgency of our times? Does my way of
life show that I expect the end to come
soon?May 2011
The storm clouds of Armageddon cannot
be far-off. Soon it will be time for the
Son of man to come to execute Jehovah's
judgment on the ungodly. (Ps. 37:10; Prov. 2:
21, 22)Satan,who will soon be abyssed
like a roaring but toothless lion fit only for
destruction!-1 Pet. 5:8, 9June 2011
Doubtless, one point that you stress is that God
will soon intervene in human affairs. With the "great
tribulation," he will end false religion and
clear the earth of wickedness. (Matt. 24:21)August 2011
Christ will soon destroy his foes as he ‘rides
in the cause of truth, humility, and righteousness.'
(Ps. 2:8, 9; 45:1-6)(Anthony Morris of the Governing Body) urged all
to "close ranks" with the Governing Body, to
draw close together as would soldiers entering
the thick of the battle.October 2011
How comforting it is to
know that God's toleration of Satan and his
evil system will soon end, and the issue Satan
raised regarding Jehovah's sovereignty will
be settled!-Gen., chap. 3; Job, chap. 2.November 2011
In view of the imminent end of the
present system of things, as Jehovah's servants
we realize that this is no time to settle
down in this dyingworld. -
Thanks Wannabefree,
I stand corrected. It must be my lack of faith that has caused me to ignore these warnings and timely reminders.
Don't feel bad about missing it. You have just heard, "Soon, shortly, Imminent, "this world's days are numbered", "fast approaching", "at the threshold", " rapidly approaching ", "drawing near" … etc. " SO MANY TIMES THEY HAVE COMPLETELY LOST ANY MEANING!