Was Jesus a Buddhist Monk?

by skeeter1 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • skeeter1

    One of the things that most bothered me about the Bible, is the narcasist, lunatic Jehovah who orders killings of women, children, starts wars, etc....and the advent of peaceful Jesus. The two are not "of the same", at least not to me. Some people say that Jehovah was a killer to protect "His" people, but couldn't a perfect, all-knowing God have found a way better then to walk on the Earth and tell Abraham to kill his first born son?

    On my spiritual journey, I now see how the earlier gods (Roman, Greek, pagan) are intertwined into the Old Testament. But, the advent of Jesus in the New Testament really bothers me.

    A year, American PBS did a story on the life of Buddha. Much of Buddha's life parallelled Jesus's life. Born of Kings, virgin birth, trees, 40 days of fasting, split 1 bread/log to feed/warm many, tempted by "Devil", walked on water, raised dead, healed people, reached understanding in 30s, spoke of peace, turning other cheek, baptism by water, 12 disciples, dinner before death, rose in 3 days, etc. Buddha lived several centuries before Jesus, but the two lives were so uncanny familiar....that there may be some merit that Jesus was a Buddhist. I posted an earlier thread on it.

    Across the pond, the BBC has done a documentary, "Was Jesus a Buddhist Monk?" And, it tries to explain where Jesus went from 14 to 29 years, and after his death. I think this is a fascinating find.

    This first video is long. I will post another, shorter one after it.


    Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary

    nasirjohn 241 videos Subscribe Alert iconSubscribed Sign In or Sign Up now! Loading...

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    Uploaded by nasirjohn on Jan 16, 2011

    Click here to know TRUTH http://bit.ly/jesuswho
    This BBC 4 documentary examines the question "Did Jesus Die?". It looks at a bunch of ideas around this question until minute 25, where this examination of ideas takes a very logical and grounded turn with surprising conclusions that demonstrate...

    The three wise men were Buddhist monks who found Jesus and came back for him around puberty. After being trained in a Buddhist Monastery he spread the Buddhist philosophy, survived the crucifixion, and escaped to Kashmir, Afghanistan where he died an old man at the age of 80

  • skeeter1

    Shorter version....



    Did Jesus Christ learn Buddhism ??

    virajjay 9 videos Subscribe Alert iconSubscribed Sign In or Sign Up now! Loading...

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    Uploaded by virajjay on Jul 17, 2008

    Did Jesus learn what he knew from India ? Where was Jesus and what was he doing from ages 12-30? What happened to him after Crucifixion? Why does the Bible leave out this important information?

  • sir82
    One of the things that most bothered me about the Bible, is the narcasist, lunatic Jehovah who orders killings of women, children, starts wars, etc....and the advent of peaceful Jesus.

    The Gnostics had the same issue. Have you read any of their writings / beliefs?

  • ProdigalSon

    Both the Jews and the Christians stole just about everything from the pagans, took away the spiritual elements, and carnalized/literalized them....


    You might enjoy this.....just highlight, right click and open in new tab....my IE is having a hissy-fit at the moment and Firefox wont post hyperlinks....


  • poppers
  • skeeter1


  • PSacramento

    You can read Paul Copland's " Is God a moral monster?" to get a see a perspective of that "humicidal OT God".

    As for Jesus, if he was a Buddhist Monk I see him as a Shaolin Kung fu Type, weapon of choice: Whip !


    As for the issues posted:


    It gives a bit of a rundown on how "much" they truly do have in common.

  • possible-san


    It is interesting topic.

    I have posted to this kind of topics several times.
    For instance,

    But, in this forum, there may be no person who has grasped the contents of my posts.

    Well, although I do not think that Jesus was a Buddhist (especially, Hinayana), I think that possibly he studied the ideas in India, IMO.
    The word "Ego eimi" ("I AM", "I am He", John 18:6 etc) which Jesus used many times is an idea in India clearly.
    That is, this is the same as the meaning of the "SoHam" used by meditation of yoga.

    Ramana Maharshi, who is one of the famous saints in India, has said like this.

    'I am' is the name of God.
    Of all the definitions of God, none is so well put as the biblical statement 'I am that I am' in Exodus chapter three.
    There are other statements such as brahmavaiham [Brahman am I], aham brahmasmi [I am Brahman] and soham [I am He].
    But none is so direct as Jehovah [which means] 'I am'.

    (Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, talk no. 106.)


    Well, if you investigate Buddhism, you will understand that they taught "Non-Ego" (self-effacement, selflessness).
    To put it simply, they/Buddhists denied the "SoHam."

    After they became "Mahayana Buddhism", they began to have an idea like the "SoHam."


  • possible-san

    I said like this.

    "The story that the Buddha performed miracles, blah-blah-blah ... is mainly this "Mahayana Buddhism."

    It is interesting that "Mahayana Buddhism" was formed around the 1st century AD.
    At that time, the disciples of Jesus had gone to India.
    India has a record that there was Christian, around A.D. 52."



  • sizemik

    Fascinating . . . thanks for posting

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