It's a bit more complex to convey a Gnostic thought in English than a simple translation from Greek. The "Word" or "Logos" is the creative force or principle, the "God Consciousness" that defines 3d reality. This may sound complicated but we can break it down into combinations of different frequencies of light, which create matter when condensed.
The footnote you mentioned is very good. While "God" may be "Divine", "Divine" does not necessarily mean "God", as in the Most High ....... the Supreme God, the Absolute, the source of all things. This verse was never intended to refer to Jesus of Nazareth. They took piecemeal Gnostic writings and made their new religion out of it, completely removing its spiritual element. While Jesus fully incarnated the Christ principle, he was not the definition of "Christ". What we ended up with was the Catholic Church's God-man version of this ancient metaphysical knowledge, below, of the Kabbalistic Tree Of Life:
The top circle, Kether, is the Father that Jesus spoke of throughout his ministry. There is only one Law in this realm, which is Love, and it cannot create physical reality by itself because true unconditional love must be reciprocated between at least two entities. This is why, in the beginning, the Kether or Father separated a piece of himself and created trillions and trillions of new souls, each one independent but also part of the ONE at the same time. To imagine this, think of all the water molecules in the Atlantic Ocean. Each can do its own thing, but each is part of a unit that works together to make one ocean, which has an ecosystem.
The top three circles, Kether, Hokhmah and Binah, represent the three vibrations that make up the Logos. They are reflected below, in a dualistic mirror, as Hod, Netsah and Yesod. This is why we live, as Paul said, in the "shadow of the reality". With each step downward, the amount of laws double, which means there are more restrictions. In the Logos, or the top three, there are six laws. In the next level there are 12....then 24, and finally, in our physical world at the bottom, Malkuth, there are 48 laws, such as gravity, inertia, etc. When Paul went to the "third heaven", he was astral projecting under only 6 laws and could "fly", "create", and interact with others in the heavenly realm. It has been said by the kabbalists and gnostics that in some really spiritually devoid places, people live under 96 laws!
Anyway, that's my half-arsed Tree of Life explanation..... here's a little bit more about it in light reading...