The worst is that they are trapped in their inability to cut their losses. The longer you have invested in the cancer, the less you have left to invest elsewhere, the more the "I got this far, I might as well go all the way here" kicks in. Yes, they took a bath on their resources invested in the cancer. But, they could at least cut their losses--even someone that is 98 and only has a few more months can at least get back those few months without pio-sneering. They could research other things, they can take online "trips" to countries they have no hope of real-visiting, they can enjoy one last real holiday, they can examine a regular church during their last few months--anything that doesn't waste every second pio-sneering.
And those who are thinking of joining the cancer should look at these old people that are afraid of cutting their losses before joining. These days, it is very cheap and easy to research. Whether moving to another country or joining another religion, research is very cheap and action can be very expensive. If the majority of those within the new religion are stagnant and repressed, it is a bad investment. Those who are born in can and should cut their losses as soon as they are able--again, research is very cheap and action can be very expensive. Check out the possibilities: Another religion, community service, college, apprenticeship, starting your own business, moving to another country (or several countries--again, the research is very cheap), and just enjoying things not part of the witless religion are possible research targets. You should act soon--but, as soon as you can, at least start researching so you get some idea of what action is right for you.
If you don't act soon, you will only be wasting even more of your time in this rotten investment. Just because you already have invested in a bad religion is no excuse to not cut your losses. Better to do this at age 18 or soon thereafter than wait until you are 35 or 40. Or, if you have already wasted that much time, better to cut your losses at age 35 or 40 than waiting until you are 65 or 70. And that is better than waiting until you are within months of the end of your life. Even that is better than wasting your whole life on the cancer--people that are afraid of cutting their losses usually take the biggest bath.
And, unlike moving to another country, leaving the witless religion involves little money cost (unless, that is, you have been placed in a structure where your landlord or employer are witlesses). Yes, it is expensive--you will lose whatever family and friends you had, and you will be hounded and guilted into going back. But, even if you physically stay right where you are, simply quitting boasting sessions and field circus will free up quite a bit of time and probably money. If you are willing to risk getting disfellowshipped, you can gain even more freedom. But, letting yourself stay a witless until you are nearly dead is the ultimate in wasting your life.