Hi Tim,
I partake. I feel the scriptures teach us Jesus words on the matter. He said "do this in memory of me".
There are scriptures such as 1 John 5:1 that tell us we are children of God if we put faith in His Son.
The word Christ means anointed and a Christian is a follower of Christ. Since he told his folllowers
we should drink and eat of the emblems in his memory then all Christians should. The Holy Spirit is a
helper that guides me, basically it reinforces things that were already there through my faith in Jesus
as my Savior, my Mediator to our Heavenly Father.
I'm opposed to the Watchtower's teaching that Jesus is only the mediator for 144000 persons ouf of
mankind. I feel that he is a willing mediator for all humankind. His suffering on the cross was a sacrifice
that bought faithful ones with a price, the great price of his life, for our lives.
Therefore I partake... in memory of our Savior's great sacrifice for "all humankind".